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Open Letter To The President Of USA On ISG Report

By Amarik Sardar

KurdishMedia, UK

Jan 11 2007

Dear Mr. President!

I am the Kurd from Armenia, a Kurdish writer, and a journalist, the
chairman of board of Advice of Kurdish intelligentsia in Armenia. I
am 71 and my life experience allows me to address to you with the
open letter.

The reason that has induced me to undertake this letter became
the Baker-Hamilton report in which the rights of Kurds of Southern
Kurdistan are ignored.

I am assured, that you know very well to what persecutions and
oppressions the Kurdish people were exposed for all its century-old
history. I shall not begin to write about it. All that evil and
persecutions which were brought down on our people by oppressors,
was seen with all world but to a great regret, all world community
continued to remain deaf and mute. This silence and inactivity last
long – till 1990.

Before it, in 1988 it has been destroyed 200 thousand Kurds during
the Anfal operation in the south of Kurdistan. Exactly after that
in 1990 under the initiative of the USA and the Great Britain the
resolution of the United Nations was adopted, according to which half
the territory of Southern Kurdistan has been accepted to be declared
a zone of interdiction for flights of aircraft of Saddam Hussein.

Owing to protection of the USA and the Great Britain the part of
our people has sighed freely and has managed to start creation of a
peace life. Within last 16 years this part of the south of Kurdistan,
which USA and the Great Britain have taken under the protection,
it became an isle of democracy, freedom and independence in Near and
Middle East. It became possible owing to a position of your country,
and it knows and appreciates each Kurd-patriot.

We, the Kurds, living outside the native land, were happy and proud
when you have accepted the President of Southern Kurdistan, dear Mr.

Massoud Barzani in the White House and you have stated a worthy
estimation to its affairs and as a whole to Kurds of Southern
Kurdistan. It has given a hope to our hearts, that the USA will never
turn away from the south of Kurdistan any more.

It seems to me that you trust that on Near and Middle East you do
not have more devoted friends than Kurds. Fidelity is the integral
feature of Kurdish character, and they never can be named ungrateful
because they remember and appreciate the rendered good.

Having read through the Baker-Hamilton report, I had doubts whether
its authors can really distinguish friends and enemies of America
from each other truly? In their report all those achievements and
successes to which Southern Kurdistan has reached, are ignored and
it is not specified any true way for the decision of a problem of
Kirkuk. All the world knows, that in Southern Kurdistan are created
and successfully function the parliament, bodies of board, justice
and judicial system. In Southern Kurdistan various political parties
operate freely and without all barriers. Does it have no value for
them really? Is there anything similar in the countries next to Iraq
and in Iraq (its Arabian part)?

I have been twice in Southern Kurdistan and I saw with my own eyes,
how much our people are free, testing no fear and horror of oppressions
there yet. I saw how the press, radio and TV not only of the political
parties but also of the different nationalities, occupying this region
as well, are free.

Dear Mr. George W. Bush!

I trust in your political wisdom and foresight and I hope, that you
do not admit realization of the Baker-Hamilton plan (in particular
concerning Kurds), which again can put Kurdish people before threat
of physical destruction.

I am assured that you do not admit it, other wise the prestige of the
USA can suffer in the opinion of the world community. You must not
admit, that your and our enemies have triumphed, and friends have
lost courage. All our looks are turned only on there – to Southern
Kurdistan and the events concerning it should excite us.

Till 1990 Kurds often said: "Our friends are only our mountains".

This statement is familiar to both of your generals and the
high-ranking officials as well. And they assured during the numerous
meetings with the people of Southern Kurdistan: "Your friends are
not only mountains, but we are your friends too".

Also has now come to prove time it in practice.

Yours faithfully, Mr. Amarik Sardar, The Kurdish writer, The deserved
journalist of Armenia, Chairman of board of Advice of Kurdish
Intelligentsia of Armenia

Karabekian Emil:
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