Categories: News

You Had Better Present Gilded Cellar Phones


[12:18 pm] 18 January, 2007

Nowadays, gold jewellery is changing its shape and utilization. Today,
water pipes, lavatory pans, door handles and even mobile phones can
be made of gold.

The adherents of the "fashion" assume that their belongings should
not completely be made of gold as it will require with great sums
and will be extra luxury.

They merely have their things gilded to make a deep impression on
their surrounding.

Quite frequently they overlay their water pipes with high-quality
gold – with "tchervonets".

This "art" doesn’t seem to be innovation in Armenia as there are
already services offering gilding. They claim that they have already
had enough customers and have never spoiled their belongings.

They also maintain that via their services they prolong the durability
of the product.

Customers are to pay 60 thousand AMD in case they want their gilded
cellar phone to serve for two years and have a one-year guarantee.

It turns out that the gold plated phones have their advantages as
well; they serve the owner longer as the antennas of the gilded phones
begin working better.

What factors is this phenomenon determined by? Nobody can answer for
sure. Maybe the glided phones deem themselves elitist like the owners?

Boshkezenian Garik:
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