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DM: Azerbaijan understood it will achieve nothing via mil rhetoric

Serge Sargsyan: Azerbaijan understood it will achieve nothing via militant

19.01.2007 15:38

The militant statements of Azerbaijan have reduced connected with the
negotiation process of the conflict settlement, RA Defense Minister
Serge Sargsyan said in a press conference today, noting that
Azerbaijan has finally understood that respected international
structures and he countries engaged in the resolution of the issue
condemn the settlement via militant rhetoric. The Minister reconfirmed
that the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs have been entrusted to address the
issue and promote the peace talks.

As for the statements of Azerbaijan that Armenia violates the
proportionality of armaments, Serge Sargsyan noted that it is `the
problem of Azerbaijan.’ He said Armenia should equip the army with
modern armaments, without which there can be no modern army.

Azerbaijan intends to appoint a Turkish General to the position of the
Deputy Defense Minister. What is the reaction of Armenia to the
question? Serge Sargsyan answered that it’s not advisable to appoint
representative of a country ‘s army to a leading position in the Armed
Forces of another state. However, since 1992-1993 Turkish commanders
have been serving in the Azerbaijani army. It’s not a question of
particular concern for Armenia. The Turkish army is rather organized,
the General can help the Azeri army. Nevertheless, 1-2 officials will
not be able to raise the military effectiveness of the army, `it
should come in the result of long work.’

Nahapetian Lilit:
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