Per Turkish Union of Historians only 8500 Armenians killed in 1915

AZG Armenian Daily #010, 20/01/2007

Armenian Genocide


In its December 19 issue, "Azg" stated that the process of the
international recognition of the Armenian Gencoide proves that the
Turkish policy of dinials is groundless. It also makes Turkey face the
fact that took place in 1915. In such conditions, the Turks lose
temper and begin to actively annihilate the Armenian
historical-cultural values.

Thus, Doctor Professor Yusuf Halachoghli, chairman of theTurkish
Historian Union, is one of those who is most actively involved in the
policy of historical denials. In the January 16 issue of "Huriet" it
was stated that Halachoghli participated in an extremely scholarly
conference entitled "Occupation and Liberation of the Region of
Adana." The conference was organized by the union of Adana
residents. According to the newspaper, he stated , as a quite
experienced accountant, that "in the course of exile, as a result of
criminal attacks only 8500 Armenians were killed." He added that
37000 Armenians died of various epidemies. The Turkish "scholar"
stated that on their way from Erzroum to Kars, Bitlis and Ardahan, the
Armenians killed 530 thousand Muslims. He said they have serious
documents that deny the Armenian genocide, adding that in 1915, the
military court investigated 1673 cases of Armenian defendants. Thus,
the court senetenced 68 defendants to life imprisonment, 524 to
imprisonment and 67 to death. He said that according to the
international court, the accusation of a genocide disappears, when the
authorities execute the criminals.

It’s worth mentioning that this Ottoman military instance was shaped
in 1919 and not in 1915, as Halachoghli tried to represent. It was
established in istanbul for the very reason of revealing and executing
the gulty for the Armenian Genocide.

In other words, Halachoghli lies and distorts historical truth. His
lies were so obvious that the participants of the conference inquired
why the Armenians were exiled after 850 years of cohabitation. In
response, Halachoghli said that "the colonial states used the
Armenians to get rid of the Turks and make them leave Anatolia. As a
result of misionery activities from 1820 ies they became Catolics and
Protestants. The Armenians faught againt the Turkish Army and the half
of the Frenc Army comprised of the Armenians."

008-By Hakob Chakrian
From: Baghdasarian