The Latest Victim of the Armenian Genocide & Democracy: Hrant Dink

AZG Armenian Daily #010, 20/01/2007


A year ago this writer and some friends were actively involved in
collecting signatures for a petition that was being circulated by the
Workshop of Armenian and Turkish Scholars. It was sent to the Turkish
authorities who would try Hrant Dink for insulting "Turkish identity
". Subsequently Orhan Pamuk, Elif Shefak, Taner Akcam and a host of
others would face the same charge.

Since then a warm friendship developed through emails, phone calls and
eventually we had the opportunity to meet each other at the
Armenia/Diaspora Conference this past September. We shared thoughts,
and despite differences of opinion we parted with the deep feeling
that our friendship would prevail for years to come. Unfortunately it
was short lived and terminated by a fanatic. Hrant Dink was
assassinated today.

Personal feelings and emotions aside, Hrant Dink is the latest victim
of the Armenian Genocide. The atmosphere of hatred, intolerance and
deplorable stance of the Turkish establishment regarding Human Rights
and Freedom of Speech paved the way to such a tragic end. Dink, as a
tormented and true citizen of the World, fought fervently primarily
for Democracy in Turkey.

It’s not the first time that a friend is brutally silenced by an
assassin. I hear Hrant Dink’s message along others who paid the
ultimate price. It’s the message of peace, democracy and respect of
Human Rights.

Dikran Abrahamian,