Categories: News

ANKARA: Who killed the Turkish editor Hrant Dink?

Journal of Turkish Weekly
Jan 20 2007

Who killed the Turkish editor Hrant Dink?
Baris Sanli

Saturday , 20 January 2007

The bitterness diffused to everyone. For days, it has been cold and
dry in Ankara, yesterday the weather showed its mild face and rained
a bit. The rain, as if the clouds have cried, has added to this

Last night to this morning, whomever I talked, everyone expressed
his/her condemnations. From the mail list, there was this sense of
denial. The conspiracy machines were working at full speed. It is a
belief that most of the Turks think that this is completely an act
against Turkey and Turkey’s thesis. Even ultra-nationalists are
thinking this way.

What is the best time to expect such a horrible act like killing an
Armenian writer? I thought, in the 1980s, when ASALA was at large,
the attacks to the Armenian society was more likely. But that never
happened. This time, a Turkish Armenian editor, who is human, modest
and intellectual, has been shot dead.

I am personally very sorry, first of all another Turk has died.
Secondly, an adversary of mine has died. The readers of my column,
Turkish Chilli, will remember my sarcastic articles about Armenians.
I am quite successful irritating every Armenian.

One thing everyone has to ask himself is what the murderers have
aimed? A greater Turkey? To rotten Armenian allegations through the
blood of an editor who supports dialog? Greater nationalist aims?

At the end, from Military to hard core nationalists, everyone
condemned the incident, and acted as if it was a bullet to the heart
of Turkey. First of all a Turkish citizen has been killed, secondly a
sui generis Turkish citizen has been killed who defended Turkey in
France. In this sense he was more Turk than opposing

The post-Ottoman Turkish identity in general is defined by Ataturk’s
famous proverb: `How happy is the one who says I am a Turk’. He
doesn’t say `How happy is the one who is a Turk’. So, anyone who
identifies himself as a Turk, may not be an ethnic Turk. If someone
says I am a Turk, then he/she is a Turk, according to Ataturk.

The nationalist idea does not make you a Turk, but how you define
yourself, what you did for your country counts. With this logic and
his efforts in France against Armenian aims and his love for this
land, makes him a Turkish nationalist which the protesters against
him can only dream of. We will remember his name, but not his

So who killed him? The popular rumours in Ankara are those: First
suspect is a foreign intelligence service, who is against Turkey’s EU
accession. This service has been accused of carrying out killings in
Turkey like Necip Hablemitoglu’s murder and provoking inter-ethnic
clashes. Also this intelligence organization’s name is related to
Sivas incident.

Second is, this may be an incident stemming from disputes among
Armenian groups. Mr. Dink’s ideas were not in parallel with other
Armenian groups, especially with those living in Diaspora.

Ask yourself calmly as if he was alive. Who will benefit most from
his death? Turkey? Armenian Diaspora? Anti-Turkish EU camp? Or idiot

At the end, we will probably face Agca dilemma. The killer may be an
ordinary guy, who has nationalist links but not complete connection,
who doesn’t ask lots of question and claiming his motives as `to
serve Turkish nation’. He will not be rich, probably he will have
debts. He has probably been in different ideological circles but he
will lack any leadership skills or charisma. He will also show signs
of psychological disorders.

These are my ideas and may not be true. But if these are correct, he
will probably be a perfect candidate for `Dark hands’

Zaminian Bedik:
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