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Fethiye Cetin: Turkish Nation Accepted Hrant Dink as Enemy


Fethiye Çetin: Turkish Nation Accepted Hrant Dink asEnemy
20.01.2007 14:25 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `Turkish nation accepted Hrant Dink as an
enemy. Soon presidential elections will be held in Turkey, and in
order to destabilize the situation in the country assassination method
was chosen and Hrant Dink became the victim,’ stated Dink’s lawyer
Fethiye Çetin. In her words, currently thousands of people have
gathered near `Agos’ editorial office, who speak for freedom of speech
in Turkey. `And they chant `Armenians’, of course, not in the sense of
nationality, but for the fact they share his views,’ Çetin said,
`Yerkir Media’ reports.

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