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Issue Of Armenia’S Fulfilment Of Its Obligations and Commitments Dis


STRASBOURG, JANUARY 24, NOYAN TAPAN. Armenia’s fulfilment of its
obligations and commitments was among the issues presented at the
plenary session of the PACE on January 23. The co-rapporteurs were
George Colombier and Mikko Elo.

G. Colombier reminded that since Armenia’s joining the Council of
Europe, the legislative reforms, the amendment of the constitution,
the creation of the institution of ombudsman and reforms in the
judicial systems have been the joint achievements of Armenia and the
CE. At the same time, according to G. Colombier, there were violations
during the referendum on constitutional amendments and no measures
have been taken to punish those responsible for these violations,
which resulted in a distrust in the society and political forces.

It was mentioned that the improvement of the political atmosphere,
and a dialog between the authorities and the opposition may be
conducive to the efficiency of reforms. The co-rapporteur said that
the implementation of some reforms is hindered by corruption and the
fact that electronic mass media is not independent.

In the words of G. Colombier, it is important that the upcoming
parl iamentary elections in Armenia in May correspond to European
standards. He also underlined the importance of objective coverage
of the elections by the mass media. According to him, along with
amendments in the Electoral Code, a political will to ensure democratic
elections needs to be manifested.

The co-rapporteur Mikko Elo addressed the Nagorno Karabakh problem. He
said that over 10 years have passed but the conflict parties have
not reached an agreement and taken concrete steps for the conflict’s
resolution. The PACE appeals to the parties to end the conflict
as quickly as possible, ruling out the use of force. The PACE will
assist with the creation of a favorable political atmosphere for the
continuation of the negotiations and dialog with the participation
of the two countries and the Nagorno Karabakh people.

The leader of the RA National Assembly "Justice" faction Stepan
Demirchian, who spoke on behalf of the Alliance of Liberals and
Democrats for Europe (ALDE), said that Armenia does everything
to be in line with European standards: a balance has been created
among the power wings, citizens also received the right to apply
to the Constitutional Court, the institution of ombudsman had been
established. However, according to S. Demirchian, the Constitution’s
amendment is not enough for democratization and the development of
the whole society: the Constitution and laws must function for the
democratic tradition to be created.

"The Council of Europe should contribute to punishment of those
responsible for elections’ falsification. 80% of Armenians do not
believe in fair elections. In the coming months the authorities should
do everything possible to restore people’s belief and improve the
political atmosphere so that the 2007 pariamentary elections will be
held in accordance with European standards," K. Demirchian stated.

The RA National Assembly ARF faction member Armen Rustamian noted in
his speech that the co-rapporteurs prepared a balanced report, which
presents objectively the situation in Armenia and can be used as a
"road map" for the country’s democratic developemnt.

The RA National Assembly Speaker, Head of the Armenian delegation
in PACE Tigran Torosian noted in his speech that as a consequence
of the constitutional amendments, the Armenian parliament assumed
the obligation to adopt 51 laws within two years, 27 of which were
adopted last year. Most of them are related to bringing laws into
line with European standards.

"Unfortunately, the two elections held in our country since its joining
the Council of Europe were assessed as not fully corresponding to
international standards. However, I think that the considerably
improved Electoral Code and the amended Connstitution form a good
basis so that the necessary political will be added to them and the
parliamentary elections will be held in May in complete accordance
with international standards. We can and must do this in the name
of our country’s future, in the name of deserving the high title of
European family member," T. Torosian stated.

According to the RA National Assembly PR Department, there were three
additions to the resolution, which were adopted. The draft resolution
was passed with 32 votes in favor, one vote against and one abstention.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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