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Armenian and Azeri parliamentarians to accompany PACE members to Kar

Armenian and Azeri parliamentarians to accompany PACE members to Karabakh

26.01.2007 13:16 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ During a meeting held in the framework of the PACE
session the Armenian and Azeri parliamentary delegations decided to
launch a dialogue on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict with the assistance
of the Assembly rapporteurs. The sides agreed on a visit to the region
jointly with PACE members in the near future. The visit supposes
meetings with displaced persons. They also noted the necessity to
prepare the publics of the states to the possible solutions of the
problem. The meeting coincided with the 6th anniversary of Armenia
and Azerbaijan~Rs joining the Council of Europe. The delegations for
the first ever time met in PACE to discuss the issues referring to
the conflict.

Delegation heads, Tigran Torosian (Armenia) and Samad Seyidov
(Azerbaijan) said the OSCE Minsk Group is called to perform the
leading role in the conflict settlement. However, the Council of Europe
should have an important subsidiary part in improving the situation
and settling misunderstanding. The sides agreed on further meetings
in effort to implement the PACE Resolution 1416, reports the PACE
communication unit.

Nadirian Emma:
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