Genocide and Human Rights University Program 2007


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CONTACT: Torrey Swan

DATE: January 25, 2006
Tel: 416-250-9807

International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies
Announces University Program for 2007

Toronto, Canada – This is the sixth year of the Genocide and Human
Rights University Program (GHRUP) to be held in Toronto, July
30-August 10, 2007.

The GHRUP is a comprehensive, graduate-level seminar taught by ten
leading experts in their fields. Incorporating theory on genocide and
the gross violation of human rights, history, sociology, political
science and international law, and through a comparative analysis of
major case studies and special themes, it explores such issues as:

· The Foundations of Human Rights
· The Causes of Genocide
· How Genocide is Carried Out
· Children, Gender and Genocide
· The After-effects of Genocide
· Genocide and International Law
· Facing History: Solving Past Conflicts
· Genocide Denial–
· Preventing Genocide

Through the comparative study of the Holocaust, the Cambodian,
Rwandan, and Darfurian Genocide, among other cases, and using the
Armenian Genocide, the archetypal example of the 20th Century, as a
point of reference, the program strives to show that genocide and the
gross violation of human rights is a universal human experience and
that, as such, it must be the concern of all individuals and

The mission of the GHRUP is to help develop a new generation of
scholars to engage in research and publication in the field of
genocide and human rights studies. "We have graduated over 150
students from around the world in the last five years and this year
we will be continuing to expand this cadre of youth dedicated to the
study and prevention of genocide," commented Prof. Roger W. Smith,
Director of the program.

Applicants must be current or recent university students with a
minimum of three years of undergraduate experience. Details and
registration information are available on the program’s website,

The International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (A
Division of the Zoryan Institute) is dedicated to the study and
dissemination of knowledge regarding the phenomenon of genocide in
all of its aspects. This is achieved through the GHRUP and
publication of Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International
Journal, in partnership with the International Association of
Genocide Scholars.

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