[05:06 pm] 26 January, 2007
The taxi services are not going to make their service
more expensive, although the Government decision on
taxis will cost them dear. `Of course yellow numbers
will reduce the quantity of the services, but they
will not become more expensive. The people using taxi
services mainly belong to the middle walk of life. If
the service becomes more expensive, we will lose the
majority of the clients’, said one of the drives.
On January 12 the RA Government decision on the
«Demands on the numbers of the means of public
transportation» come into force. According to the
decision, the cars used as taxis should have yellow
numbers, like route taxis. According to the RA Police,
after January 25 the taxi services can apply to the
corresponding structures in their district in order to
change the numbers of the cars.
The survey conducted by `A1+’ in taxi services showed
that very few of them are aware of the decision. The
services are not in a hurry as there is no deadline
mentioned in the decision.