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BAKU: Azerbaijan section opened in Royal Dutch Library

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Jan 29 2007

[January 29, 2007, 21:40:52]

Presentation of the valuable books about Azerbaijan organized by
Azerbaijan Embassy to Belgium and Azerbaijan-Turkish-Dutch Cultural
Society took place at Royal Dutch Library, the Embassy said.

The first Secretary of the Embassy Fuad Humbatov, Chairman of
Azerbaijan-Turkish-Dutch Cultural Society Ilhan Ashki updated the
library director John Noordam on Azerbaijan success in political and
economic area, integration to the Europe, as well as occupation of
Azerbaijan territories by Armenians.

Mr. Humbatov handed over the book released by Heydar Aliyev
Foundation on life and activity of the nationwide leader to the
library director, also including the books of the late Austrian
historian, great friend of Turkic world Erich Feigle, published in
three languages, of the French lawyer George de Malawi ‘Armenian
tragedy’, as well as books on Azerbaijan culture and art.

The Embassy of Azerbaijan to Belgium established bilateral relations
with the leading libraries of Benelux and done important work to
disseminate the books of Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

Torosian Aram:
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