The release of the video was like killing Mr. Dink a second time

The release of the video was like killing Mr. Dink a second time
03.02.2007 12:33

‘Less than a fortnight after huge crowds thronged the streets of
Istanbul at the funeral of the murdered Armenian journalist Hrant
Dink, chanting, "We are all Armenian," Turkey yesterday showed
another, more sinister face,’ Peter Popham wrote in the February 3rd
issue of The Independent.

Turkish newspapers and television news programmes carried images of
the man accused of shooting Mr. Dink posing proudly behind a Turkish
flag with police officers. In the background was a poster bearing the
words of Mustafa Kemal Attaturk: "The nation’s land is sacred. It
cannot be left to fate."

Ismet Berkan, editor of the liberal newspaper Radikal, said that the
release of the video was like killing Mr. Dink a second time. It
proved, he claimed, "that the murderer and his associates are not
alone, that their supporters … have penetrated all segments of the