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Seminar On Defense Reforms In Yerevan


05.02.2007 11:47

Armenia is exploring defense reform to develop improved cooperation and
interoperability with NATO during a seminar in Yerevan 5 – 7 February.

The Armenian Ministry of Defense, is co-organizing the seminar with
the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies at the
request of the US European Command’s Office of Defense Cooperation
in Yerevan. The Ministry plans to advance its transformation efforts
during the event, which is entitled Armenian Defense Reforms I: Seminar
on the Civilianization of the Ministry of Defense and Amending the
Law on Defense.

This step follows the establishment of Armenia’s Individual Partnership
Action Plan (IPAP) in December 2005. In that plan Armenia committed to
transforming its armed forces personnel management and civilianizing
its Ministry of Defense staff. Parallel to these reforms, Armenia
has set a goal to amend its 1997 Law on Defense to support the
civilianization and transformation processes. An interim evaluation
of Armenia’s progress was conducted in May 2006, and a full evaluation
is scheduled for the spring of this year.

Organizers expect about 60 participants at the seminar. In addition
to staff members and experts from the Ministry of Defense and
General Staff, organizers expect representatives from the National
Assembly of Armenia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as other
ministries and agencies. Speakers will come from NATO and countries
that have already gained NATO membership, such as Estonia, Latvia,
and Bulgaria. International defense and legal experts from several
NATO countries will also attend.

Nargizian David:
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