CYMA-WD Now Accepting Applications for 2007 Program

February 05, 2007
CONTACT: David Yaldezian, Chair
Phone: (818) 558-7474
E-mail: [email protected]

iT Is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that the Executive
Committee of the 2007 Christian Youth Mission to Armenia of the
Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America (CYMA-WD)
would like to announce that is accepting applications for its 2007
program. Applications will be submitted online at the

The CYMA-WD committee has been actively working to make 2007 an amazing
year. In its three years since inception, over twenty-five Armenian
youth between the ages of 18-29 have visited their homeland through the
CYMA program. This mission was initiated by his Eminence, Archbishop
Hovnan Derderian, after the Spiritual Pilgrimage to Armenia in 2001
on the occasion of the 1700 Anniversary of the official adoption of
Christianity as the state religion of Armenia. Over 100 participants
from the Western Diocese took part in the worldwide pilgrimage and
celebration in Armenia.

The 2007 CYMA-WD program is split between a two week Spiritual
Pilgrimage, and an eight week Internship Program. These two programs
will take place starting 17 June, 2007. Both programs are open to
Armenian youth 18-29 years of age. Both pilgrims and interns will
take residence in student dorms in Yerevan or apartments located in
the city center.


It should be every young man and woman’s goal to experience the
roots of their spiritual and cultural identity. The CYMA Pilgrimage
accomplishes this goal. Pilgrims will travel to the most breath taking
spiritual and historical sites throughout Armenia and Artsakh. The
Spiritual Pilgrimage is designed to be an extraordinary time to learn
and discover the Armenian identity in our spiritual and ancestral

Pilgrims will travel throughout Armenia visiting special locations,
lead by a clergyman of the Western Diocese as well as our CYMA-WD
Coordinator. This trip is perfect for first time visitors as well as
those who have been to Armenia before and did not have the opportunity
to visit the spiritual sites of the country. In addition, pilgrims
will take place in lectures, activities, and events in Yerevan.


The CYMA-WD Internship Program allows young adults an opportunity
to experience daily living in Armenia through an internship in a
professional setting. The internship will provide participants with
insightful experiences regarding their field of study, future career
goals, and more in depth experiences of life in Armenia.

In addition, lectures from members of various organizations will
provide fundamental lessons regarding the economic, cultural and
religious dynamics present in Armenia today. Participants will also
gather on a weekly basis to discuss incorporating our Christian lives
into our daily life, both while in Armenia and upon return.

The CYMA-WD program’s aim is to create a seminal bond with the Armenian
Church, culture and heritage through the participation in the daily
life in Armenia creating a bridge between Armenia and the diaspora.
It is the belief of the executive members of the CYMA-WD that every
Armenian youth should have the opportunity to experience daily life
in their spiritual and ancestral homeland. For more information
about the CYMA-WD program, or to submit and an application, please

The Christian Youth Mission to Armenia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization under the auspices of the Western Diocese of the Armenian
Church of North America as a mission of the Armenian Church Youth