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Arpi Vardanian: U.S. Should Recognize Armenian Genocide


Noyan Tapan
Feb 08 2007

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 8, NOYAN TAPAN. "The world leader U.S. should
not be two-faced, but should recognize the fact of the Armenian
Genocide." Arpi Vardanian, Regional Director of Armenian Assembly of
America (AAA), reported this at the February 8 press conference. She
stated that Resolution N 106 on recognition of the Armenian
Genocide introduced to U.S. Congress is currently supported by 161
Congressmen. A.Vardanian said that last year an analogous number
of Congressmen supporting the draft Resolution on Armenian Genocide
was registered only on the threshold of its adoption. In her words,
currently the Armenian lobbyist organizations continue working in the
direction of increasing the number of "sponsors" of draft Resolution in
Congress. Among factors which can have a positive impact on adoption
of Resolution N 106 A.Vardanian named results of Congress elections
in 2006 November: "The fact that democrats took majority of seats in
Congress has a positive impact for Armenians, as democrats have always
supported us." Besides, in her words, in the recent years in U.S.
they have started to more often speak about genocides and not only
Armenian Genocide. "Everybody understands that unless measures
are undertaken, threats of new genocides can emerge," AAA Regional
Director said. She also pointed to the fact that such well-known
American publications as New York Times, Boston Globe and others
stopped using words "the so-called Armenian Genocide."

A.Vardanian explained such change in the position of well-known
publications by active work of Armenian lobbyists. In her opinion,
resolutions condemning Hrant Dink’s murder being considered at House
of Representatives and Senate will also contribute to increase of
chances of adoption of Resolution N 106.

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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