BAKU: USA to Send Pro-armenian Message to Turkey

Ïðàî ûáîðà, Azerbaijan
Democratic Azerbaijan
Feb 9 2007

USA to Send Pro-armenian Message to Turkey

Daniel Fried: `Ankara should establish relations with Yerevan’
US government send message to official Ankara in connection with
situation in Turkey, assassination of Grant Dink, well-known article
¹301and relations between Turkey and Armenia. US Secretary of State
Assistant on Europe and Asia, Danial Fried, in interview for
`Milliyat’ newspaper expressed his solidarity with Turks advocating
removal of `article ¹301′. Accordingly to D. Fried this article seems
like historical mistake.
D. Fried also touched upon assassination of journalist of Armenian
origin, Grant Dink: `Dink didn’t humiliate Turks he represented the
best parts of Turkish history. No murder can be taken as
demonstration of nationalism. This quality is peculiar to small
nations, not great nation’.
D. Fried informed that Turks represents great nation, having added
that this nation doesn’t need `article ¹301′: `All nations undergo
nationalism. And Turkey’s being nationalistic state or not is not the
case, the case is whether leaders will undertake any steps in
connection with this issue. At the same time all leaders of our
country declared that America can’t exist within such conditions.
However to do so availability of moral leaders is needed’.
D. Fried underlined that against background of recent developments
normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia is possible.
Accordingly to diplomat Ankara should stretch helping hand to
Yerevan: `I guess that Dink’s will rejoice if relations of Ankara and
Yerevan normalize’.
D. Fried expressed his view concerning discussion of draft bill on
`Armenian genocide’ by US House of Representatives. He thinks that US
government will explain Congress that this document will bring no
positive results for Turkish and Armenian relations. At the same time
D. Fried stressed that Turkey should stand its ground not deviating
from historical facts.
In turn authoritative representative of US Secretary of State, M.
Bryza, also expressed his view in connection with the so-called
`genocide of Armenians’. Accordingly to him adoption of the said
draft bill may seriously blow on relations between USA and Turkey. As
M. Bryza said White House representatives are working with Congress
representatives to prevent adoption of the said document.