Kurds say Armenians head towards a bright future in the Region

Kurdish Aspect, CO
Feb 9 2007

Kurds say Armenians head towards a bright future in the Region

The Kurdish Globe – by Khidhr Domle

"The most important case here (in Kurdistan) is the rule of law,"
says Dr. Lewis, an Armenian university-professor.

"Kurdistan Region has become part of the Western world and
civilization, which people look at with respect ? and the majority
push towards this direction; it is a civilized trait."

"Turkey should be punished," Nasik Minas Abraham, an Armenian who
fled Baghdad 8 years ago and came to live in Kurdistan, says. "Turks
killed the Armenian journalist because he was trying to uncover the
truth, which must be revealed."

She says despite the fact she was not reading his articles before he
was assassinated and did not know much about him; she has since then
learnt of his activities, including his attempts to unveil the truth
that would have convicted Turkey of the Armenian genocide. "He was a
great journalist who had a goal and struggled for it; and Turkey
eleminated him," Nasik says, angrily.

Fleeing Baghdad and settling in Kurdistan Region has resulted in a
sharp increase in the number of Armenians in the region. Armenians do
not face any kind of discrimination against them, regional
authorities say. "Being a minority in Kurdistan, our rights have
never been violated," Artin Khalatiyan, the Pastor of the Armenian
Orthodox Church in Zakho, says. "The most important issue for us is
to lay the foundation of brotherhood and the spread of love, which
are things we pray for, for everyone and not just the Armenians," he
says. "Similar to all other minorities, we hope that our rights will
be granted in the Constitution of Kurdistan."

Comparing the situation of Armenianas in Kurdistan to their patriots
living in Turkey, he says, "It is very unfortunate that he (Hrant
Dink) was assassinated ? this proves that the Turkish authorities
were afraid of him because he was an active journalist to whom the
Armenian rights mattered."

The Pastor also touched the case of Armenians fleeing Mosul following
the explosion of their church on January 5, 2006. "Around a hundred
(Armenian) families have fled to Duhok (in Kurdistan), with many to
Karakush, in the north of Mosul as well as Ainkawa in Erbil."

According to Artin, eleven hundred Armenians live in Zakho. He said,
"Armenians paid dearly during the 1915 Massacre in Turkey." He added
that the Ottoman Empire slaughtered 70% of the rest of the Armenian
people. "(But) we feel safe here, the Kurdish government is assisting
all the Armenians who have fled." He added that "30 families in Zakho
are receiving monthly aid and there are attempts to rebuild the
Armenian villages."

"The campaign to rebuild Armenian villages has started at Hawresk
Village, for the Armenians," he said. "It is on the highway between
Zakho and Duhok."

Living in peace and brotherhood is the objective. "Our goal is to
live in peace and to spread love and forgiveness, which we lost," he
said. "We, in our prayers, ask for promotion of these principles for
the rest of the people of Kurdistan, not only for Armenians."

Kurdistan is the place where followers of different religions live
together in harmony. "Kurdistan has started inculcating the culture
of religious forgiveness and brotherhood," Dr. Lewis of the Faculty
of Basic Education at the University of Duhok said. "Kurdish
leadership has been respecting these principles and working hard to
emphasize them," he confirmed. "It is not the Armenians alone who
feel safe, but every one in Kurdistan feels safe and sound, and hopes
for a prosperous future."

According to Dr. Lewis, "Sectarian conflict has changed the social
structure of Iraq; but Kurdistan Region has promoted its racial and
ethnic diversity, and worked in accordance with the Constitution so
that all groups can assure their rights – cultural and political."

Ms. Polis, another Armenian, believes that "it is not the Armenians
alone who want to live in peace and prosperity, but everyone else in
Kurdistan, too."

"Our neighbors are all of different cultures, but they all respect
us," she says, referring to neighborhood where she lives. "There is
friendship among Muslims, Christians, Armenians and Ezidis, and I
believe the future is going to improve."

Tranick Hartean, 46, believes that Kurdistan is becoming home to
co-existence and religious tolerance. He hopes that everyone will
continue to work towards understanding among Muslims, Christians,
Chaldo-Assyrians and Armenians and all other religious sects for
"every society to enjoy their rights."

In Kurdistan, most Armenians feel they have their rights guaranteed.
"The services provided by the Kurdistan Regional Government make us,
Armenians, feel that we have our rights granted to us," says
Khalatiyan. "That is in spite of the fact that we know we have our
own country – Armenia." He added, "What we receive here is
indisputable evidence – we are all equal here."

The rule of law must prevail, Dr. Lewis believes. "The most important
case here is the rule of law," he says. "Kurdistan Region has become
part the Western world and civilization at which people view with
respect ? the majority push towards this direction; it is a civilized

It is worth mentioning that most Armenians fled Turkey during the
massacres committed against them during WWI. They resettled, mostly,
in Shingal, Zakho, Mosul and Duhok. The Church Virgin Marry for
Armenians was built in 1923. Today, there are many pictures hanged on
the walls; telling the stories of the Armenian Genocide.

