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NKR Dep. FM: NK talks to be accelerated current fall

DeFacto Agency, Armenia
Feb 9 2007


`’We’ll only welcome any initiative that can contribute to the
conflict’s peaceful settlement. However, the last years’ practice
testify that the Karabakh conflict’s discussions at various
international structures, outside the OSCE frames, not only are
unproductive, but can yield reverse effect”, the Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic Deputy Foreign Minister Masis Mailian stated in an interview
with KarabakhOpen.
According to the NKR Deputy FM, Azerbaijan attempts to initiate the
conflict’s discussion within the international organizations’ frames
to increase information-psychological confrontation in the region and
put pressure on both Armenian parties. In Masis Mailian’s words, the
wrong interpretation of the conflict’s essence, like in the report
prepared by the PACE rapporteur on the Karabakh conflict can also
harm the conflict settlement process.
Speaking of the Karabakh conflict settlement within the OSCE MG
frames, the NKR Foreign Minister stated the Karabakh party was
convinced the Nagorno-Karabakh’s representatives should take part in
the talks as the conflict’s competent party.
Masis Mailian said the electoral processes to be held in RA and NKR
would obviously influence on the rates of the negotiation process.
`’Karabakh talks will be accelerated current fall”, he noted.
Touching on the European Union’s stand in the Karabakh conflict
settlement, Masis Mailian stated the EU officially supported the OSCE
MG Co-Chairs’ actions. `’The EU has not elaborated specific activity
program in our Republic, the EU representatives have only declared
their intention to implement projects on the NKR’s territory”, the
NKR Deputy FM added.

Karakhanian Suren:
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