Russia can overcome any missile defence – Ivanov

Russia can overcome any missile defence – Ivanov

09.02.2007, 17.04

SEVILLE, February 9 (Itar-Tass) – Russia’s answers to plans of
deployment of missile defence systems in Europe will be asymmetrical
and not costly, Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Defence Minister Sergei
Ivanov said.

He said at a news conference in Seville on Friday that `these plans do
not exert a strong pressure (on Russia), we do not feel a strong

`We have a possibility to overcome any missile defence,’ Ivanov said.

`Ten missiles (that will be deployed in Poland) of course do not
threaten Russia’s security, I acknowledge that openly. But still why
is it done?’ Ivanov said.

`We are told that the system that envisages placing a radar in Czech
republic and ten countermissiles in Poland is created in order to
avert missile launches from North Korea and Iran. As for North Korea,
it is enough to take a look at a school globe in order to understand
that ends do not meet. Where is North Korea and where are Czech
republic and Poland?’

`Iran indeed has medium range missile, and this range is 1,600, a
maximum 1,700 kilometres. I advise looking at the map and calculating
the distance. Iranian medium-range missiles reach the territory of
both Russia and Israel, and Russia cannot but take this new factor
into consideration in ensuring its security,’ Ivanov said.

`At present, it is easier to deploy any missile at a boost phase `
then why the US does not deploy the same systems on territories of its
allies ` in T urkey, Afghanistan, Iraq?’

Besides, `at present, it is impossible to destroy medium-range
missiles and an intercontinental ballistic missile without
consequences for those who live on the ground. On whose head will it
fall from the sky? This worries us,’ Ivanov said.

`We permanently think about our security. We must ensure it with any
scenario of the development of events. Our answer will be
asymmetrical, and it will not be costly. If somebody wants to return
us to an arms race, we are not going to return to it,’ he stressed.

Ivanov said that he discussed the missile defence issue at his meeting
with US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on Thursday.

`He gave me his arguments which I naturally will not disclose, but
which we shall discuss,’ he said.

He stressed that `there are good contacts’ between two countries’
defence ministries.