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ANKARA: Turkey’s Top General In The US


Feb 12 2007

Buyukanit is expected to warn US officials that passing the resolution
on the so-called Armenian genocide would harm military ties between
Ankara and Washington.

Guncelleme: 14:48 TSÝ 12 Þubat 2007 Pazartesi- Turkey’s senior armed
forces commander is going to caution US officials that Turkish-US
military ties will be harmed if the US Congress adopts a resolution
formally acknowledging the alleged massacre of Armenians by the
Ottoman Empire.

The visit of General Yasar Buyukanit, the Chief of the Turkish General
Staff Chief to Washington comes only days after Foreign Minister
Abdullah Gul was in the US capital to push for the resolution before
Congress to be dropped.

During his visit, General Buyukanit is scheduled to meet US Vice
President Dick Cheney, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Peter
Pace, Under Secretary of Defence for Policy Eric Edelman, and US Army
Chief of Staff General Peter Schoomaker.

Apart from the Armenian issue and military relations between Turkey
and the US, Buyukanit will also be discussing issues such as Iraq,
the fight against terrorism, and recent developments in the Middle
East in his meetings with US officials.

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