Observations Of ECRI


[02:45 pm] 13 February, 2007

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) has
issued its second report on Armenia. Alongside with perceived progress
in many spheres of the Republic of Armenia, the CFRI underlines a
number of key issues which haven’t been dealt with.

The report reads, "Though the draft law on national minorities is
already drawn up, some representatives of national minorities and
non-governmental organizations haven’t endorsed it as they assume it
won’t change the current situation greatly. No document on civil or
administrative provisions has been passed. The Ezdis still counter
problems with land, water and pastures and some representatives of
the community haven’t got their documents on land property. No system
providing greater possibility to the national minorities to participate
in the social and political life of the country has been set up yet.

The ECRI suggests the RA authorities taking further measures in a
number of fields; namely to pass a law on national minorities which
will allow the statesmen to take into consideration the opinions and
proposals of national minorities. It suggests the RA authorities to
meet the community of the Ezdis halfway in view of the police, land,
water and pasture issues.

ECRI also urges the RA authorities to take drastic measures to
guarantee the participation of national minorities in the political
and social life of the country, to continue the measures providing
equal educational bases for national minorities and to increase their
possibilities to enter higher educational establishments.

Reminder: ECRI analyses the general atmosphere of racism and
intolerance in each EU member country and submits proposals to regulate
the revealed issues.