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Top Turkish General In US To Block Genocide



ANKARA (Combined Sources)–Turkey’s senior armed forces commander
was expected to caution US officials that Turkish-US military ties
would be harmed if the US Congress adopted a resolution recognizing
the Armenian Genocide.

The visit of General Yasar Buyukanit, Turkey’s Military Chief of Staff
to Washington comes days after Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul’s visit
to the Capital to lobby against the Genocide bill.

During his visit, General Buyukanit is scheduled to meet Vice President
Dick Cheney, Joint Chiefs of Staff General Peter Pace, Under Secretary
of Defense for Policy Eric Edelman, and US Army Chief of Staff General
Peter Schoomaker.

In his meetings with US officials Buyukanit will also be discussing
issues such as Iraq, the fight against terrorism, and recent
developments in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, Gul said over the weekend that President George W. Bush
would write to members of the Democratic-controlled Congress to urge
them to oppose the Armenian Genocide resolution.

"A resolution that would recognize the World War I era killings of
Armenians as genocide would poison ties between strategic allies
Turkey and the United States," Gul warned late Saturday.

Gul said if passed, the resolution would cause permanent damage to
relations and it will cause a deadlock in our relations. Gul asked the
U.S. administration to take action. "It won’t have a fleeting effect;
its results will be deep and lasting. I called on the U.S.

administration to take urgent action. Secretary of State Rice will
carry out an important work in the coming days. She will visit the
Congress," Gul told reporters.

Fresh off his US visit, Gul Monday backed amending Turkey’s
controversial article 301, used to prosecute intellectuals including
Nobel Prize-winning novelist Orhan Pamuk and Armenian journalist
Hrant Dink who was later shot dead.

"I want this article amended because it puts a shadow on Turkey’s
reform process," Gul said at a joint news conference with visiting
Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer. "It is damaging
Turkey’s image. It is portraying Turkey as a country where hundreds
of journalists and intellectuals are jailed for their speeches. This
is wrong."

Gul’s remarks came days after a group of trade unions and other
non-governmental organizations proposed a new wording to the article,
which makes insults to the Turkish state or its people a crime. The
groups said the new wording would set clearer limits to what
constitutes insult and what is legitimate criticism.

Some non-governmental organizations were demanding scrapping the law
completely, but Gul made clear the government favored amending it.

"We want everyone to freely express their thoughts as long they
don’t incite violence or amount to insult," Gul said. "These cannot
be allowed. They are not allowed anywhere else."

Nobel Prize-winning novelist Orhan Pamuk and murdered journalist
Hrant Dink were both prosecuted under the broad law criminalizing
the denigration of "Turkishness." Both had spoken out about the
mass killings of Armenians in the early 20th century. Numerous other
writers, journalists and academics have also been prosecuted.

On Saturday, police detained two men on suspicions that they were
planning to hold up an Istanbul ferry to protest the fact that
pro-Armenian slogans had been chanted at Dink’s funeral. An Istanbul
court ordered the two men released after questioning, saying there
was not enough evidence to charge them.

Acting on a tip, police detained the two men at the city’s entrance
Saturday, a police official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity
because of rules that bar civil servants from speaking to reporters
without prior authorization.

Police said the two men–from the eastern city of Igdir, near the
borders with Iran and Armenia–allegedly planned to hijack a ferry
sailing between the Asian and European shores of the Bosporus,
copying a ferry hijacking last month in the Dardanelles strait,
police said. That hijacker had threatened to blow the ferry up in
protesting the pro-American slogans. He had been carrying a gun,
but no explosives, and after about two and a half hours surrendered
to police. No passengers were harmed.

As the two men detained Saturday left the courthouse, they shouted:
"Turks have no other friends but Turks!" the state-run Anatolia news
agency reported.

Dink’s funeral inspired a massive outpouring of support for
reconciliation between Armenians and Turks, with thousands chanting
"We’re all Armenians." Nationalists however, were angered by the
pro-Armenian slogans.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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