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Vardan Oskanian: "Our Aim Is To Have Firm Armenian Statehood"

By Anahit Hovsepian, Koln

AZG Armenian Daily

Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian’s Speech in Koln

"We Failed the Previous Elections; We Cannot Makle The Same Mistake
Once Again"

On February 11, 3:00 PM a large crowd had gathered at the Koln
Saint Sahak-Mesrop church in order to listen to the speech of Vardan
Oskanian, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia, who had arrived
on a meeting with the German Armenian Diaspora in Koln immediately
after the Munich Conference.

The Foreign Minister started his speech with comments on the project
of reconstruction and restoration of the Armenian villages near the
Azerbaijani border.

"The goal of the program is to create an area where the next
generations can live in peace," he said. He also expressed his thoughts
about the 15-th anniversary of the Republic of Armenia. He said that
the Armenians must have done much in those 15 years and have to do
moire in the next 15. He emphasized recollecting all the mistakes
and trying not to repeat them again. Mr. Oskanian spoke of Armenia’s
challenges of the nearest coming years – reducing the corruption and
establishing a truly democratic state.

Speaking of the foreign political affairs of Armenia, the Minister
stressed that Azerbaijan became stronger in the region after the
construction of the Baku-Ceyhan gas pipeline and its partnership with
Turkey is growing closer and closer. Denial of the Armenian Genocide
has long ago became the offical policy of the Turkish authorities. The
UN is imposing sanctions against Iran, of which Armenian will certainly
suffer, too. Negative atmosphere in Georgia-Russia relations also
affects Armenia. The Armenian authorities must make their right way
through all those obstacles to minimize their negative influence. The
question of Kars-Akhalqalaq-Tbilisi-Baku railroad project has been
always used as means of political pressure, and thus it will be still
for a long time, said Vardan Oskanian.

The Foreign Minister expressed confidence that the people of Armenia
will prove itseld able to overcome all the aforementioned hardship,
as it had done throughout the past 15 years, providing two-digit
economical growth immediately after the economic blockade, reduction of
poverty, creation of new vacancies and improvement of life conditions
as a result. He said that foreign policy is just means of providing
the well-being of the Armenian citizens and stability inside the
state. "Our aim is to have a firm Armenian satehood," he added.

Referring to the Nagorno-Karabakh problem Prime Minister Oskanian
assured that its final solution will be certainly achieved, although
none can tell how much time it will take.

Of Armenia-Turkey relations Mr. Oskanian said: "A light sprang up
after the murder of Hrant Dink – it seemed that Turkey, feeling the
wrongfulness of its policy, wouldtry to use the chance to amend its
faults. But that did not happen, and now the Turkish authorities put up
more resources to extinguish the Armenian Genocide recognition process
inside and outside Turkey. This remains Armenia’s main challenge in
foreign policy". He said that in response to this Armenia can only
develop its economy, and in this process Armenia-Diaspora relations
must prove themselves most useful. The Diaspora has a problem of
preserving the national identity and in this issue the role of the
modern Republic of Armenia, not the historical past must be first. On
the other hand, Armenia, with only 3 million population, needs its
numerous Diaspora, said the Foreign Minister. Mr.

Oskanian announced that the "Armenia" ("Hayastan") Foundation is
the most reliable structure for the independent Armenia. He informed
that the Foundation has undertaken the implementation of 50 villages’
restoration program.

As one of most important challenges of Armenia the Foreign Minister
pointed out preserving high economy growth rates. He said that at
present Armenia is the first in the region by average income per head,
but Azerbaijan has reached Armenia and seems to get advantage. Georgia
also seems to have similar plans.

Then Mr. Oskanian answered the questions of the auditorium. The first
question was about Russia’s project of establishing an oil-processing
factory in Armenia. The Foreign Minister stated that the exploitation
of the ran-Armenia line will soon be started. The Power Engineering
Minister of Armenia is now on a visit to Teheran and the project
of constructing an oil plant on the very Armenia-Iran border is
seriously considered.

To the question about Armenia-Georgia relations Mr.

Oskanian replied that partnership with Georgia has strategic
importance for Armenia’s and that both the states have numerous
common interests. Azerbaijan and Turkey are trying to sever Georgia
from Armenia, and that is well understood by the Georgian authorities.

Answering the question about Turkey’s benefit of opening the
border with Armenia, Mr. Oskanian said that opening the border will
considerably contribute the economy of both the states and that all
the problems can be solved by corresponding legislation.

He once again stressed that all the controversies between two states
must be settled on governmental level, that is why the Armenian
authorities emphasize establishing normal relations with Turkey
without preconditions.

As a reply to the question about Turkey’s reaction to the possible
adoption of the Armenian Genocide resolution by the US Congress,
Vardan Oskanian said that in case the resolution is adopted, Turkey
strengthen the denial of the fact of the Genocide. On the other hand,
other states will recognize the Genocide, following the USA ‘s example,
which will increase the pressure upon Turkey. That will give Armenia
more opportunity of addressing to the UN and the International
Court. At last Turkey will be forced to revise its position on eth
Armenian Genocide in connection with the issue of its EU membership.

Mr. Oskanian was asked why the Armenians did not appeal to the
International Court in connection with Hrant Dink’s murder, as
the Lebanese did after the assassination of the Prime Minister of
Lebanon. The Armenian Foreign Minister said that Dink was not a
statesman or a politician, therefore such an action would be incorrect.

Mamian George:
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