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AAA: Armenian Assembly Continues Outreach on Genocide Resolution

Armenian Assembly of America
1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: info@aaainc.org

February 16, 2007
CONTACT: Karoon Panosyan
E-mail: kpanosyan@aaainc.org


Momentum Builds with Over 170 Supporters

Washington, DC – In an effort to secure a crucial bipartisan majority on
the Armenian Genocide resolution, Assembly leaders have conducted a
series of meetings with Members of Congress, urging them to cosponsor H.
Res. 106 and reaffirm the historical fact of the Armenian Genocide.

Assembly Board of Trustees Member Annie Totah and Executive Director
Bryan Ardouny met with Armenian Caucus Members, including Reps. Charles
Rangel (D-NY) and Shelley Berkley (D-NV). Rangel serves as Chairman of
the Ways and Means Committee, to which Berkley is a member. Totah and
Ardouny also met with Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD), who like his father,
former Senator Paul Sarbanes, is a strong champion of Armenian issues.
All three lawmakers have signed onto the Armenian Genocide bill.

"In just two weeks since the introduction of the bill, the response has
been tremendous," said Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "Now, more
than ever, Armenian-Americans from across the country are united to
secure passage of this critical legislation. We must, once and for all,
put a stop to denial by passing this resolution reaffirming the
historical truth."

H. Res. 106, which has 176 cosponsors to date, calls upon the President
to ensure that the foreign policy of the United States reflects
appropriate understanding and sensitivity concerning issues related to
human rights, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the United
States record relating to the Armenian Genocide.

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of
Armenian issues. It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership



Photo graphs available on the Assembly’s Web site at the following links:


Caption: L to R: Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny, Assembly
Board of Trustees Member Annie Totah, and Armenian Caucus Member and
Genocide Resolution supporter Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee
Charles B. Rangel (D-NY).


Caption: L to R: Genocide Resolution supporter Rep. John Sarbanes
(D-MD), Assembly Board of Trustees Member Annie Totah, and Assembly
Executive Director Bryan Ardouny.


Caption: L to R: Assembly Board of Trustees Member Annie Totah, Armenian
issues supporter Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV) and Assembly Executive
Director Bryan Ardouny.

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