AGBU Garbis Papazian Prize Presented in Germany

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Friday, February 16, 2006

AGBU Garbis Papazian Prize Presented in Germany

The Armenian General Benevolent Union Garbis Papazian Award was
bestowed upon German scholar Wolfgang Gust, who joined a long list of
non-Armenians who have been recognized for their work on a variety of
historical and cultural subjects pertaining to Armenians.

The award ceremony was held on December 9, 2006 at the Armenian
Embassy in Berlin, Germany. In attendance were distinguished guests
Her Excellency Karine Ghazinian, German Ambassador to the Republic of
Armenia; Razmig Tamrazian-Haroutiunian, official representative of the
AGBU Garbis Papazian Award; and Wolfgang Gust, 2005 prize winner.

Mr. Gust is a prominent historian who specializes in analysis of
German policies in the Middle East before and during WWI, with special
focus on policies of the Ottoman Empire at the time of the War. His
book, "The Genocide of the Armenians 1915-1916: Documents from
Political Archives of the German Foreign Office," is an important
examination of the relationship between Germany, the Ottoman Empire
and the Armenian Genocide.

The annual Garbis Papazian Award was established in 1988 through a
special fund with AGBU to support and encourage non-Armenian scholars,
who, through their research or publications, contribute to the
propagation of Armenian causes.

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