"Once I Had Two Dwelling Places Whereas at Present I Have Nothing"


[12:17 pm] 15 February, 2007

It is already 10 years 46-year-old Ruzanna has been
living outdoors. Currently she spends her time in the
environs of Shengavit metro station and sleeps in one
of the nearby booths.

`One I had two dwelling places. I presented one of
them to the sufferers of the Spitak earthquake and
sold the other. And now I sleep in the streets’, says
Ruzanna. She has got 8-year-old daughter who is
presently in an orphanage. `She is the joy of my life,
and they deprived me of her’, says the mother in
despair. He has tried many times to take the child
back but her request has been turned down on the
motivation that she has got neither a job nor a
dwelling place.

The representative of the Social Welfare Ministry told
A1+ that the mother can fetch her daughter any moment
unless she is deprived of parental rights. Only then
Ruzanna confessed that the main reason she cannot take
her daughter is that she is mentally handicapped. In
answer to our question why she doesn’t work, Ruzanna
said, `I have tried to find a job a few times, but
nobody seems to be eager to employ someone in such
dirty clothes’.

Ruzanna feeds on the bread given by the passers-by and
shop-assistants. She has asked various political
figures for help but all her efforts were in vain.
`They only give promises and never keep them’, says
Ruzzana and adds, `they wanted to send me to a nursing
home but I objected’.

Ruzanna’s only wish is to be together with her
daughter which unfortunately is impossible.