NKR: Water Supply Problem Remains Urgent in Shushi


Azat Artsakh Daily, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]
17 Feb 07

Shushi is gradually reconstructed. At first sWATER SUPPLY PROBLEM
REMAINS URGENT IN SHUSHIight it seems that little has been done after
the liberation. It is because of the appearance of the city. Samvel
Harutiunian, the deputy head of the administration of the region of
Shushi says certain programs were implemented in 2006. The road
running from the central square to the Goris-Stepanakert highway was
repaired. The roofs of two blocks of apartments and the house of a
poor family were repaired. 20 families of killed freedom fighters,
disabled and indigent people received aid for repair of their
apartments. One of the major projects of the year was the
construction of the school in the village of Yegsahogh. According to
Samvel Harutiunian, last year’s work can be assessed as satisfactory.

He says 2006 was a building year. However, Samvel Harutiunian said
this year lesser funds were allocated for building. 280 million
dollars was allocated in 2007 against 360 million drams in 2006. It is
clear that the money is not enough to implement the foreseen
projects. It means a number of urgent problems, including development,
water and gas supply will not be solved. With regard to the problem of
water supply, Samvel Harutiunian said in winter the people of Shushi
are happy to get water once or twice a week. In some parts of the
town people have to carry water in buckets for several months. The
three water pipelines supplying the town have not been repaired for
decades. As a result only one pipeline is operating which is not
enough to supply the town. The water supply system inside the town is
also damaged. The problem is partly solved when the roads are
repaired. But the repaired roads are very few. With regard to gas
supply, Samvel Harutiunian said only the village of Kirsavan and the
scarcely populated center of the town do not have gas supply.
