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Demonising Dissent, A Comment

by Paul V. Rafferty

UN Observer
Feb 21 2007

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your
right to say it."

The Friends of Voltaire (1906)

Demonising Dissent

It’s a mystery to me how anyone could possibly deny that the Shoah
(Holocaust) happened ! The wealth of evidence is overwhelming.

Photos, film footage, eyewitness accounts and the testimonies of
survivors – as well as much courtroom documentation – all paint a
vivid picture of a hell on earth. In all of Human History, there is
probably no other event that is so well documented.

Nevertheless, there are those who do not believe it. One can only
look in wonder at these "Holocaust Deniers".

Perhaps, their "reason" is that they cannot accept the fact that
Humanity has a dark and diabolical aspect that, unleashed, can commit
unimaginable evil.

Germany, the nation where the demons were first unleashed, may still
be suffering from a great burden of Guilt. Naturally, but it could
have happened anywhere. Germany would better salve its conscience by
working to ensure that nothing comparable ever happens again.

To forbid Free Speech, however, is to fall back into the mind-set of
an all-powerful State, a mind-set that allowed the Shoah to happen.

Free Speech applies not only to those who agree with us, but also to
those whose views are diametrically opposed to our own.

The term "Hate Crimes" should only be applied to those who incite
others to violence, based upon prejudice. It should never be applied
to those who merely question or disagree with us.

The Shoah/Holocaust is probably the worst Crime Against Humanity
that has ever occurred. Curtailing the basic Right of Free Speech,
however, will not expiate any Guilt.

Of course, there may be discrepancies in the actual figures, because
such an "accounting" can beleaguer the Human Spirit. Who can accept
such a horror ? How is it possible that Human Beings could have
committed such horrendous crimes ?

The Human Spirit recoils and says, "No, it couldn’t have happened. No
one could have done such terrible things. No one could have
systematically designed, developed and applied technology to kill
millions of people !"

Nevertheless, IT DID HAPPEN !

Germany was taken over by the Nazis who brought the blood sacrifice
cult to its zenith and denied the obvious fact that Humanity is a
Unity, with many divisions. The Nazis sought a "pure race", whatever
that means, for we are all inter-related in one Unity, one Human Race.

Their insane beliefs brought us the greatest degradation of Human
Society that the world has ever known.

Beyond words like "Tragedy" and "Horror", the Nazis killed and tortured
MILLIONS of Human Beings !

One may discuss the actual figures. One book I have read states
4.5 Million Jews, whereas the official figure is 6 Million. The
difference is obviously irrelevant. Only the most pedantic would
attach any real significance to such numerical discrepancies when
faced with the enormity of the crime. The fact is that MILLIONS of
Jews were killed in a mad sacrifice to a demonic belief !

Yes, there were also millions of Gypsies, now called "Roma", after
the Language of Gypsies. There were also homosexuals and many others
who did not fit into the so-called "Master Plan"

Were this not a well-documented fact, one might think it a nightmare


To a far lesser degree, it happened in Rwanda and Bosnia. It might
even happen again – which is but one reason to never forget the

Historically, there were also other Genocides: the Native Americans;
the Africans who died on the Atlantic and in Slavery; the Armenian
Massacre under the Ottomans and the Albigensian "Crusade", among
others. There are also "prolonged genocides", today, called "Ethnic

The great difference, however, is that the Nazi Regime planned,
developed and applied modern technology, for the expressed purpose
of ELIMINATING peoples from the Earth, not only from one country.

Nevertheless, there are those whose Spirits are so innocent that they
cannot believe that Human Beings could even imagine such horror.

We should not punish such souls. We can only pity them and – in some
ways – admire their innocence.

Strangely, however, we have decided to punish them. We have even
decided not to allow them to speak openly.


To forbid the questioning of the Holocaust and to forbid others from
denying its reality will only drive the deniers underground. It will
also lend a measure of "credence" to their misconceptions. Sadly,
it will also serve the interests of the prejudiced sick minds who
judge people according to their Race or Religion.

No, we must allow anyone to question anything !

Atheism has not stopped Organised Religion and the Flat Earth Society
has not endangered the planet.

Anyone who sincerely attempts any research into the Shoah is bound
to find out the Truth. It happened ! It might also happen again –
lest we forget.

Let the so-called "Holocaust Deniers" do their research. They too
will eventually come to recognize Reality. If they don’t, the facts
themselves will eventually silence them.

Let those who refuse to face the facts walk in their own darkness –
but let them walk freely !

Please read the following reports – and think again.

Paul V. Rafferty U.N. OBSERVER & International Report


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