Three Delegations Of The Turkish Meclis To Be Sent To Washington

By H. Chaqrian

AZG Armenian Daily

Genocide Recognition

Action, Scheduled on February 4, Delayed by Prime Minister’s Initiative

Azg had earlier related an editorial publication by "The Washington
Times" that the Armenian and Greek lobbies have much more power in
the USA than the pro-Turkish politicians. "The Washington Times" also
adds that the historical and political controversies between those
groups negatively influence US Government’s policy of partnership
with Turkey. At present the cornerstone of the contradictions is the
project of Resolution on the Armenian Genocide submitted to the US
Congress. Also it should be taken into consideration that President
Bush’s cabinet is an advocate of the neo-conservators, which are
controlled by Israel.

Neither the Prime Minister of Turkey nor the Commander of the Turkish
Armed Forces were not satisfied by the American Government’s promises
to impede the resolution’s adoption. Prime Minister of Israel in his
return gave dubitable response to Turkey’s request of using the Jewish
lobby against the Resolution.

Nevertheless the authorities of Turkey made decision to send three
parliamentary delegations to Washington.

"CNN-Turk" on February 21 reported that the first delegation of Meclis
(the Turkish Nationa; Assembly) will arrive in the USA on February
25 and depart on March 4, the visit of the next oen will last March
11-18, and the visit of the last delegation is scheduled on eth last
week of March. Representatives of Erdogan’s "Justice and Prosperity"
and Baykal’s opposition parties are included in the delegation.

The agenda of the delegations has not been cleared out yet, but
"CNN-Turk" affirmed that their main mission is to advocate the
Turkish point of view of the 1915 events. It should be notd that
the departure of the first parliamentary delegation for Washington
had been scheduled for already February 4, but was delayed by the
warnings of Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul.