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No bird flu registered in Armenia – official

No bird flu registered in Armenia – official

23 Feb 07

Yerevan, 23 February: Strict control over imports of poultry to the
territory of Armenia has significantly decreased the entry of the H5N1
virus into the republic, the deputy agriculture minister and chairman
of the executive office to fight bird flu, Levon Rukhyan, has said.

He said that Armenia receives information every day about new areas in
the world where the bird flu virus has spread. Apart from that, all
information is carefully tested by the International Epizootic Bureau
(France). Only after that, is the import of poultry allowed from a
particular country-producer, Rukhyan said. So far, disinfecting
continues at border checkpoints. A group of ornithologists and
veterinarians monitor the high risk areas on the whole territory of
Armenia. All necessary information about the spring migration of birds
has already been received and analyzed, Rukhyan said.

"As the chairman of the executive office, I officially state that the
H5N1 virus has not been registered in Armenia. However, there is still
a risk that the virus will infiltrate into the territory of the
republic. We must do all necessary preventive work," Rukhyan said.

The deputy minister said providing the Republican Diagnostic and
Anti-Epidemic Laboratory with up-to-date equipment will make it
possible to locate the first carrier of H5N1 and prevent the spread of
the virus in due time.

Meanwhile, all samples of poultry (carcass and blood) will be sent to
be analyzed to laboratories in London and Italy. He said that only
after that, will a final conclusion be given about revealing bird flu
cases in Armenia.

Hakobian Adrine:
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