RA National Assembly Adopts Package Of Bills Containing Provisions O


Noyan Tapan
Feb 26 2007

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 26, NOYAN TAPAN. At the February 26 sitting RA
National Assembly with 66 votes in favor, 5 opposed and 1 abstained in
second reading and completely adopted a package of bills containing
provisions on dual citizenship. Members of United Labor Party (ULP)
faction were against the bill. Like the first reading the faction
motivated its negative position by government’s rejecting the
proposal being of principle importance for the faction. It related
to stipulation of prohibition on appointment of dual citizens to
posts of government head and members, which was not accepted by the
government. Member of RPA faction Samvel Nikoyan was the only one
to vote as abstained. 18 out of registered MPs did not take part in
voting, including members of Ardarutiun (Justice), Orinats Yerkir
(Country of Law) factions, as well as some independent and RPA
member-MPs. The members of the National Unity faction were absent
from the sitting. The adopted package of bills as compared with the
variant discussed at the special sitting had been changed a little. As
the main reporter, RA Justice Minister David Haroutiunian stated
before voting, as a result of political agreement reached with RPA
faction it was stipulated that the persons being citizens of RA and
at the same time of another state who are registered in Armenia will
have the right to take part in votings during elections. Citizens
not having registration will be deprived of right to take part in
voting. The citizens of RA who have citizenship of another state
cannot be nominated and registered as candidates for RA President and
NA deputy. The package also stipulates that hecenforth RA elections
will be held only in RA territory.

The legislative package also stipulates some provisions related to
dual citizens’ conscription. In particular, a citizen of another state
having adopted RA citizenship is released from compulsory military
service, if before adopting RA citizenship he has served for at least
12 months in armed forces of another state or has done alternative
military service in another state, except the states determined by
RA government, for at least 18 months. RA citizen who has adopted
citizenship of another state is not released from compulsory military
service irrespective of the fact, whether he has served in another
state or not. Dual citizens are not released from mobilization and
training. The package also determines liability for not informing RA
government’s authorized body in the term established by the law in
case of adopting or being granted citizenship of another state. Each
able-bodied person not having RA citizenship, having turned 18 can
apply for receiving RA citizenship if he has permanently lived in
RA over the past three years, can speak Armenian and is familiarized
with RA Constitution.

Milder requirements are determined for a person having married
RA citizen or having a child being RA citizen, whose parents or
one of them has formerly had RA citizenship or was born in RA
and applied for receiving RA citizenship within three years after
turning 18. The persons of above mentioned category have the right to
apply for receiving RA citizenship if they are familiarized with RA
Constitution. This also regards a person who is Armenian by origin,
i.e. has Armenian ancestors, as well as a person who has renounced RA
citizenship after January 1, 1995, according to his own application. A
simplified order operates for the latters, which is conditioned by the
fact that a ban on dual citizenship was determined by the Constitution
adopted in 1995, as a result of which part of RA citizens had to
renounce RA citizenship.