ANM And ARF Have Diametrically Different Approaches Towards Issue Of


Noyan Tapan
Feb 27 2007

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, NOYAN TAPAN. The ANM, the Constitution
adopted during officiating of which prohibited dual citizenship,
is today as well against implementation of the institute of dual
citizenship in Armenia. Andranik Hovakimian, the Deputy Chairman of
the ANM board stated about it on February 26. In his opinion, people
who always live in Armenia and not only carry out their obligations
before the country but also share all the privations fallen to the
country’s lot, must be the master of the fate of Armenia with the
help of elections. Besides, introduction of dual citizenship may
create additional problems for Armenians living in other countries,
particularly, in Georgia. In the words of Ruben Hovsepian, a member
of the RA National Assembly ARF faction, Dashnaktsitiun welcomes the
possibility of settling the issue of dual citizenship with the help
of law. In his words, every Armenian, who adopting dual citizenship
also becomes a citizen of Armenia, may be the master of the fate of
Armenia. In R.Hovsepian’s opinion, increase of the number of country
citizens will assist strengthening of Armenia. At the same time the
Dashnaktsutiun representative confessed that no big number of people
wanting to get dual citizenship is expected. In R.Hovsepian’s words,
during the years of ANM power, Armenians being citizens of other
countries were not only ministers, but also directly participated in
implementation of the foreign and inner policy of Armenia: (the hint
concerns RA President’s former advisor, American Armenian Zhirayr
Liparitian). A.Hovakimian mentioned in responce that Ministers may
not be citizens of Armenia if they carry on the country government’s
policy. He also mentioned that there were all the possibilities for
Diasporan Armenians come to Armenia and help the Fatherland within the
framework of their possibilities till liquidation of the prohibition
on dual citizenship.