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Azeri Trend Agency Distorts My Words, Foreign Minister Of Poland Say


Noyan Tapan
Feb 27 2007

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, NOYAN TAPAN. 15 years of establishment of
diplomatic relations between Armenia and Poland is on February 26,
and in that sense, the visit being paid to Armenia by the delegation
headed by Anna Fortyga, the Foreign Minister of Poland, is symbolic. RA
National Assembly Speaker Tigran Torosian stated about it on the
same day, receiving the Polish delegation members. As Noyan Tapan
was informed by the RA NA Public Relations Department, Ambassadors of
the two countries, Tomas Knotche and Ashot Galoyan, were present at
the meeting. T.Torosian informed the guests about his observations
about the regional problems and Nagorno Karabakh problem. Touching
upon the Armenian-Turkish relations, the RA NA Speaker mentioned
that Armenia has stated many times that it is ready for establishing
diplomatic ties without preconditions but the Turkish side observes
it as a sign of weakness and itself proposes conditions. One of
those conditions relates to the Nagorno Karabakh problem, and it is
not only inadmissible but also shows that Council of Europe member
Turkey which has strived for dozens of years for becoming a European
Union member does not only want to have diplomatic relations with its
neighbour, but also keeps the border close what does not correspond to
any European principle and value. As for the Nagorno Karabakh problem,
the NA Speaker touched upon also the interview given by A.Fotyga to the
Azeri "Trend" agency in which the latter mentioned that she is for the
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and giving big self-government to
national minorities. T.Torosian reminded that the second principle
exists which is adopted in the Helsinki final act: the right of
self-determination, and that comparing those principles, the OSCE
Minsk Group Co-Chairmen found the key for the problem solution. In the
negotiations addressed to solution of the Nagorno Karabakh problem T.
Torosian attached importance to that approach, also mentioning that
a country which really wants solution of that problem must prepare
its society for solution of the issue, so it will not be engaged
in deepening hatred and enmity, what Azerbaijan does, periodically
presenting itself with threats of re-starting the war. A.Fotyga
explained in her turn that her words were distorted what is not the
first case in her political career and she completely beleives in the
OSCE Minsk Group’s activity and hopes that the upshot will be found
out. And as for the Armenian-Turkish relations, she mentioned that
Poland has historically good relations with the two countries and is
ready to have its contribution in improvement of those relations.

A.Fotyga expressed readiness to assist settlement of the
Armenian-Turkish relations if the sides express such a wish.

Nahapetian Samvel:
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