Times Of Karabakh Vikings Have Passed, Chief Marxist Of Armenia Says


Noyan Tapan
Feb 27 2007

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, NOYAN TAPAN. "Political mutants of ANM in the
form of Karabakh vikings are holding power today in Armenia. But the
times of Karabakh vikings have passed and the nation is waiting for
its leaders."

David Hakobian, Chairman of Marxist Party of Armenia, declared this at
the February 27 press conference. As regards the issue, who should be
the head of the country, the chief Marxist of Armenia answered with the
words of Alexander of Macedon: "The best one." He said that the Marxist
Party of Armenia will run for the elections by both proportional and
majoritarian systems. D. Hakobian gave a detailed analysis to the
preelectoral situation as well. In his words, the power will lean
on the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) and the Bargavach Hayastan
(Prosperous Armenia) Party for the purpose of reproducing itself. He
characterized the first party as a junta: "If a political structure
unites with a military organization, it becomes a junta." As regards
the Bargavach Hayastan, he called it a "fictitious" force formed not
around an idea, but around a personality. "The goal of that party is
to perpetuate presence of Karabakh vikings in the Armenian kingdom," D.
Hakobian declared. He also sharply criticized the opposition calling
it clan. "The opposition goes to the elections in a dispersed way,
its leaders suffer from megalomania and each of them imagines himself
as King Arshak II." In his opinion, the opposition should do its
best to replace regular elections by special ones, as during regular
elections the power is always stronger. D. Hakobian excluded the
possibility of power shift through elections, as violations of law
have already started, "which are not noticed by either opposition
or international organizations." Among the violations he mentioned
participation in elections of parties financed from abroad – ARFD,
Ramkavar Azatakan and Hnchakian Party.