ANKARA: Azerbaijan Backs Turkey’s Position In Armenian Issue


Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
Feb 28 2007

Azeri-Americans joined Turkey’s efforts in opposing the adoption of
the Armenian allegations resolution by the U.S. Congress.

Asked, "how the Azeri Diaspora of the U.S.A. can assist in opposing
the adoption of the Armenian Genocide resolution by the U.S.

Congress", President of Azerbaijan Society of America Tomris
Azeri said that the Armenian Diaspora in the United States is well
organized. "They have a firm agenda and everyone in their Diaspora
community believes and follows this agenda.

The Armenian Diaspora communities and businesses see it as their duty
and obligation to finance and support their organizations. The Armenian
experts says the ‘genocide claims’ is the only thing cementing the
Armenians in the Diaspora. Armenian lobbying groups argue that the
1915 events was genocide while Turkey claims the reverse. According to
the Turkish Archive Documents, more than 520.000 Turkish people were
massacred by the armed Armenians during the First World War. There
is no court verdict on the issue. Turkey has called Yerevan to go
to the international courts yet Arsmenia rejects all the calls from
Turkey and other countries.