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AAA Representatives Discussed Armenian Genocide Resolution With U. S


DeFacto Agency, Armenia
March 1 2007

According to the information DE FACTO got at the Armenian Assembly
of America (AAA), Assembly Board of Trustees Member Annie Totah and
Executive Director Bryan Ardouny met separately with House Majority
Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)
to discuss several Armenian-American issues, including the Armenian
Genocide resolution (H. Res. 106), which is currently cosponsored by
176 Members of Congress.

Hoyer is a longtime champion of Armenian issues and, since 2000,
a member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. For over
a decade, he has consistently commemorated the anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide with statements on the floor of the House of
Representatives. In 2006, the Congressman addressed the Assembly’s
pan-Armenian Advocacy Conference and said he would continue to fight
for U.S. affirmation of the historical truth.

Like Hoyer, Representative Jackson Lee is an avid supporter of Armenian
issues and a member of the Armenian Caucus. The Congresswoman is a
cosponsor of the Armenian Genocide resolution and has repeatedly signed
the congressional letter to the President, urging him to properly
recognize the events of 1915 as genocide in his April 24th message.

"Our meetings with Majority Leader Hoyer and Representative Jackson
Lee were very productive," said Totah. "Advocacy work is all about
relationship-building and the Assembly will continue its meetings and
discussions with lawmakers on Capitol Hill to advance this important

Mamian George:
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