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Finding Faith

By Linda Wallace, columnist

Mount Shasta Herald, CA
March 1 2007

Our forefathers had faith. This country was based on faith. Our money
carries the words, "In God we Trust." When we trust, we have faith.

If you recently read the American Profile – Western Edition, you’d
know George Washington, the father of our country, was guided by
his Christian faith. America’s spiritual roots were prevalent in
George Washington, born 275 years ago on Feb. 22. Did you know that
Washington took his oath of office on Inauguration Day using a Bible?

The article said George alluded to scripture in the Bible as "Holy

Why are we thinking, as Americans, that this country’s greatness did
not come from our belief in the almighty God. The article brought out
the fact, 50 years ago, George Washington’s picture hung in every
classroom in America. Have you seen his picture in your child’s
classroom lately? Is he becoming faceless in America? I sure hope
not. All of us look at him each time we spend our one-dollar bills.

In 2005, college seniors were polled. Bill Clinton had a much higher
score of approval than George Washington, according to the article.

We need to keep teaching our children our country’s history. I
can’t help wondering, where are we heading in America? History is
important. Are we loyal to our government? What do we think about
our government?

Our world, I believe, is much more interconnected. The Internet
allows us to communicate with someone on the other side of the globe
any time we want to. Sadly, the have-nots are not able to do this as
easily as people who have money to buy computers.

I recently became aware, via e-mail from an Armenian, that my
"Armenian Mission" column dated Feb. 7, 2007 is being read on the web
by thousands of Armenians. The e-mail came from a gentleman in Newton,
Mass. I received another e-mail from an Armenian and also spoke
to Roger and Mary Benton who were contacted, via e-mail, about the
article by an Armenian website. Mary and Roger did not know about the
website. I certainly didn’t think my article would be read in Armenia,
but technology makes this possible. We all can learn from each other.

Our first president had the courage to stand strong and not give up
at Valley Forge. In one of his letters he said, " You can tell where
the soldiers have walked, not just by their footprints in the snow,
but by the bloodstains that are there."

His men were dying of exposure and starvation, eating only flour and
water. If it weren’t for Washington’s faith, his courage, and his
character to accomplish the job he had been given, America, as we
know it today, would not exist. What is our legacy today?

How can you not love a leader that shivered with his men at Valley
Forge in the dead of winter? After the houses were built for the
soldiers, he moved into his headquarters. He was a true leader,
who believed in all the rights he helped write in our constitution.

Washington knew all about faith.

Faith is what we all need. The dictionary defines faith as
unquestioning belief in God, religion, etc. It says anything believed,
having complete trust, confidence and reliance.

The Bible says in Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is being sure of what
we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (NIV) It says in 2
Corinthians 5:7, "We live by faith, not by sight. (NIV)

It is hard to find our faith, but George Washington did.


Maghakian Mike:
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