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Indicted MP Snubbed By Own Party

By Ruzanna Stepanian

Radio Liberty, Czech Rep.
March 1 2007

Hakob Hakobian, a controversial lawmaker prosecuted for tax evasion
and assault, will not be backed by his governing Republican Party
of Armenia (HHK) in the upcoming parliamentary elections, it emerged
on Thursday.

The HHK decided late Wednesday to endorse instead a newly retired
top army general who will be running for parliament in Hakobian’s
single-mandate constituency covering the southern town of Echmiadzin
and surrounding villages. The move set the stage for one of the most
intriguing and potentially tense individual election races.

Major-General Seyran Saroyan was relieved of his duties as commander of
Armenia’s Fourth Army Corps last month to be able to participate in the
May 12 polls. Media reports said the HHK leadership wants Saroyan to
unseat Hakobian as it considers the latter a political liability. Both
men have extensive business interests in the area south of Yerevan.

Hakobian, who joined the HHK last year, was charged with "hooliganism,"
tax evasion and other financial irregularities in October immediately
after fellow lawmakers agreed to lift his legal immunity from
prosecution. The charges stem from a mass brawl at a gas distribution
facility near Yerevan that was allegedly provoked by the wealthy
parliamentarian. State prosecutors completed a criminal investigation
into the incident in January and were due to forward the case to the
court shortly.

Hakobian, better known as "Choyt," said the decision not to back his
reelection bid was made by "one or two" top Republicans, rather than
the party’s governing board. "My friends tell me that such an issue
was not even discussed by the board last night," he told RFE/RL. "I
don’t know why they decided so."

Asked how he plans to compete with the feared general, the 43-year-old
said, "I’m not going to compete. I’m just going to present my programs
to the people and the people will decide whom to vote for."

Hakobian also insisted that he will not drop out of the race. "Do I
look like a man who would quit mid-way through the race?" he said.

Vanyan Gary:
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