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Sumgayit Is Continuation Of Genocide Towards Armenian Nation


01.03.2007 18:38 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "A tragedy in Sumgayit became the continuation of
genocide policy in relation to Armenian people," NKR Prime Minister
Anoushavan Daniyelian stated to journalists during the events,
dedicated to the 19th anniversary of Armenian massacre in Sumgayit. He
said, Karabakh conflict was imposed to Armenian people at the time,
when the nation was weak and has been rehabilitating from wounds. The
Premier noted that Karabakh national-liberation struggle was the
first response to the unjust things after the genocide relating
Nagorno Karabakh people.

Answering the questions on refugee problems, the Head of Karabakh
Government said, according to the decision of the government the
given category of citizens is in the center of attention the executive
body, and second year up compensation and dwelling have been given to
refugees from Sumgayit and whole Azerbaijan. The first large program
will be realized this year. "Presently 15 houses were built, which
will be put in commission in the near future. "Similar programs were
realized in the NKR regions as well", – Anoushavan Daniyelian noted.

On February 27, 1988 Armenian pogroms in Azerbaijani town of Sumgayit
were launched. During three days dozens of Armenians were killed,
exact number of victims is still unknown. Official sources informed
about 32 killed. Sumgayit events became the response to the decision
of Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast from February 20, 1998 "On
petition before the Supreme Council of Azerbaijani SSR and Armenian
SSR to pass NKAO from the Azerbaijani SSR into the Armenian SSR".

Hunanian Jack:
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