Categories: News

Conflict Has Political Essence


[05:54 pm] 05 March, 2007

Samvel Babayan will run for the parliamentary elections in constituency
37, in Syunik. To note, Alexandre Sargsyan, Serge Sargsyan’s brother,
also put forward his candidacy in the same constituency. Taking into
consideration the relations between Serge Sargsyan and Samvel Babayan,
we can anticipate that the struggle will be rather tense.

The members of "Dashink" (Union) Party don’t agree to this. To note,
it was "Dashink" that proposed the candidacy of the party’s leader
/Samvel Babayan/ under majority system.

"When we put forward Samvel Babayan’s candidature we were unaware
that the Defense Minister’s brother would be nominated in the same
constituency", Gnel Ghlechyan, member of the Dashink informed us.

He assures that the struggle will be held in a civilized way, "We
are determined to combat till the end. So far we have no intention to
withdraw. All the rumors that the struggle will be tense, and there
will be confrontations are fabricated. They are aimed at deluding
people. We see the conflict a political struggle not a military one,"
Gnel Ghlechyan says.

As for the Sargsyan – Babayan conflict, Mr. Ghlechyan noted, "The
press is fond of running into extremes; they write articles that
are uncompliant with the reality. As far as I know there isn’t any
personal conflict between Serge Sargsyan and Samvel Babayan.

The conflict is ideological which exists among the pro-governmental
forces", he adds.

In Mr. Ghlechyan’s words Samvel Babayan’s nomination in constituency
37 is determined by the fact that Mr. Babayan enjoys high rating
in Syunik.

"Samvel Babajan has done a great deal for the Syunik residents in
order to preserve their security. People never forget good deeds;
they have fresh memory. All these factors were taken into account
while putting forward Samvel’s candidature", said Mr. Ghlechyan.

Tambiyan Samvel:
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