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People Remember Vazgen Sargsyan


[06:39 pm] 05 March, 2007

March 5 is Vazgen Sargsyan’s birthday. Today the Erablur was
overcrowded; representatives of various parties and RA high-ranking
officials assembled near Vazgen Sargsyan’s tomb. It is already
nine years since Vazgen Sargsyan died. Every year his friends,
acquaintances, relatives, and adherents assemble in the Erablur on
March 5.

53-year-old Emma Chobanyan often visits Vazgen Sargsyan’s tomb. "He
was a real Armenian, a real patriot. The Armenians will never have
Vazgens. Our hearts will be restless unless the criminals of the
October 27 carnage are punished", she says.

The RA Defense Ministry, Prime Minister, "Yerkrapah" Volunteers’
group, Manvel Grigoryan, head of the board of "Yerkrapah" Volunteers’
Union, as well as various parties put wreaths on the tomb. The
representatives of the general headquarters of the RA armed forces
were also in the Erablur.

Michael Haroutyunyan, head of the general headquarters, underlined
that fact that "Vazgen Sargsyan laid the bases of everything Armenia
has nowadays. It is due to his inexhaustible energy and assiduity
that we have efficient troops today. If I say now that the army has
not problems I shall make a grave mistake; we counter great problems
that demand serious treatment. For instance, we must do our utmost
to make the RA army meet the regional and international standards",
says Mr. Haroutyunyan.

Armen Sargsyan, one of Vazgen Sargsyan’s friends remembers, "Vazgen
Sargsyan sought romanticism in all his steps and he found it. He
wished Armenia were a powerful state, having great culture and good
specialists. He was a great Armenian and his sole objective was to
see Armenia united."

Mamian George:
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