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ANCA: Senate Panel Delays Vote on Hrant Dink Legislation

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
Email anca@anca.org

March 6, 2007
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Sen. Lugar Calls for Postponement of S.Res.65 Vote
Amid Heavy Pressure from the State Department

WASHINGTON, DC – The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today
delayed discussion of a measure, authored by the panel’s chairman
Joe Biden (D-DE), condemning the brutal murder of journalist and
human rights activist Hrant Dink, reported the Armenian National
Committee of America (ANCA).

The Committee’s top Republican, Richard Lugar (R-IN), called for
the delay in the consideration of S.Res.65 amid heavy pressure from
the Administration to remove references to Dink’s prosecution
"under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code for speaking about the
Armenian Genocide." The legislation also urges the Turkish
government to repeal this anti-free speech law. The resolution
will now be scheduled for discussion at the Committee’s next
business meeting.

"We are troubled that Senator Lugar – apparently acting at the
request of the Administration – has delayed the U.S. Senate’s
tribute to the life and memory of Hrant Dink," said ANCA Executive
Director Aram Hamparian. "We look forward to the panel, at the
next opportunity, rejecting any efforts to block or water down this
measure, and passing it in the form it was introduced."

Following the delay, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Member
Chris Dodd (D-CT) stated that, "It is unfortunate that the
committee deferred action on this important resolution. I look
forward to voting in support of the resolution when the committee
considers it at the next business meeting."

Chairman Biden noted that, "Hrant Dink was a leading voice in
Turkey’s Armenian community and an eloquent advocate for human
rights, press freedom, and reconciliation. His assassination was
an outrage and a tragedy. Hrant’s legacy deserves our respect and
his death, our condemnation."

"Hrant Dink spoke out for tolerance in an era when voices like his
need to be heard," stated Massachusetts Senator John Kerry. "His
assassination was a terrible crime which warrants the strong
condemnation of the Congress and the entire international

In the days leading up to today’s delay, ANCA activists in the 21
states with Senators on the Committee encouraged support for
S.Res.65 through phone calls, faxes, and meetings. They also
reminded Senate offices that Hrant Dink’s brutal murder is a wake
up call for the U.S. Senate to pass legislation formally
recognizing and commemorating the Armenian Genocide. Those
interested in taking action on this issue may visit:

On March 5th, the ANCA, in a letter sent to each of the members of
the Foreign Relations Committee, urged Senators to oppose any
efforts to water-down the language of S.Res.65. "We are opposed to
any amendments which would alter the meaning of this measure,
especially any that seek to remove mention of the Armenian
Genocide, the very crime that Hrant Dink was so brutally persecuted
for recognizing. An amended resolution that does not openly and
honestly address the Armenian Genocide would represent a tragic
surrender to the very same forces of intolerance that silenced

Hrant Dink, editor of the bilingual Armenian/Turkish "Agos"
newspaper, was gunned down outside his office in Istanbul on
January 19th – sparking worldwide protests and renewed scrutiny of
Turkey’s repression of free speech and international campaign of
Armenian Genocide denial.

Two similar measures have been introduced in the U.S. House by
Congressman Joe Crowley (D-NY), one that mentions the Armenian
Genocide and one that does not. The ANCA supports the former, but
not the latter.


S. RES. 65
1st Session

S. RES. 65

Condemning the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist and human
rights advocate Hrant Dink and urging the people of Turkey to honor
his legacy of tolerance.


February 1, 2007

Mr. BIDEN submitted the following resolution; which was referred to
the Committee on Foreign Relations

Condemning the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist and human
rights advocate Hrant Dink and urging the people of Turkey to honor
his legacy of tolerance.

Whereas Hrant Dink was a respected, eloquent advocate for press
freedom, human rights, and reconciliation;

Whereas, in 1996, Mr. Dink founded the weekly bilingual newspaper
Agos and, as the paper’s editor in chief, used the paper to provide
a voice for Turkey’s Armenian community;

Whereas Mr. Dink was a strong proponent of rapprochement between
Turks and Armenians and worked diligently to improve relations
between those communities;

Whereas Mr. Dink’s commitment to democratic values, nonviolence,
and freedom in the media earned him widespread recognition and
numerous international awards;

Whereas Mr. Dink was prosecuted under Article 301 of the Turkish
Penal Code for speaking about the Armenian Genocide;

Whereas, notwithstanding hundreds of threats to Mr. Dink’s life and
safety, he remained a steadfast proponent of pluralism and

Whereas Mr. Dink was assassinated outside the offices of Agos in
Istanbul, Turkey, on January 19, 2007;

Whereas tens of thousands of people in Turkey of many ethnicities
protested Mr. Dink’s killing and took to the streets throughout the
country to honor his memory;

Whereas the Government of Turkey has pledged to undertake a full
investigation into the murder of Mr. Dink;

Whereas the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has
stated that when Mr. Dink was shot, `a bullet was fired at freedom
of thought and democratic life in Turkey’;

Whereas the Foreign Minister of Armenia, Vartan Oskanian, stated
that Mr. Dink `lived his life in the belief that there can be
understanding, dialogue and peace amongst peoples’; and

Whereas Mr. Dink’s tragic death affirmed the importance of
promoting the values that he championed in life: Now, therefore, be

Resolved, That the Senate–

(1) condemns the murder of Hrant Dink as a shameful act of
cowardice perpetrated with contempt for law, justice, and decency;

(2) supports the pledge of the Government of Turkey to conduct an
exhaustive investigation into the assassination of Mr. Dink and to
prosecute those responsible;

(3) urges the Government of Turkey to repeal Article 301 of the
Turkish Penal Code and work diligently to foster a more open
intellectual environment in the country that is conducive to the
free exchange of ideas;

(4) recognizes the decision of the Government of Turkey to invite
senior Armenian religious and political figures to participate in
memorial services for Mr. Dink;

(5) calls on the Government of Turkey to act in the interest of
regional security and prosperity and reestablish full diplomatic,
political, and economic relations with the Government of Armenia;

(6) urges the people of Turkey to honor Mr. Dink’s legacy of

Badalian Vardan:
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