Categories: News

Irina To Ask For Money On March 8


[03:06 pm] 07 March, 2007

Every day one can see 57-year-old Irina vagabonding in the streets
of Yerevan begging for money. She claims she can hardly pay the
electricity bill and the house rent with the money she gets.

"live on 800 AMD. I eat nothing but macaroni and potatoes. Once a
Russian resident gave me 100 rubbles.

I decided to buy meat but no sooner had I got home than my neighbor
informed me that my light was disconnected. I had to pay the bill
with the money," she tells.

Irina lives in a hostel in Shengavit District. She has neither
relatives nor children. It is already 15 years her husband has been
in custody. Irina avoided answering the reason for his arrest; she
only justified him saying, "My husband was innocent. I don’t even
know whether he is alive or dead. I haven’t seen him for five years,
as I have had no means to visit him."

In 1988 the spouses immigrated to Armenia. "We had better stay in
Baku. We had jobs there and could suffice our bare necessities",
says Irina.

In answer to our question which candidate she would vote for during
the upcoming elections, she said, "I cannot vote as I am not a
RA citizen." "It is all the same to me. No matter who is elected,
he won’t better my conditions. Tomorrow is a holiday. People will
celebrate March 8. Everybody will get presents and have parties except
me. I shall wander in the streets asking for money as usual".

To note, she looks older because of the deep wrinkles and grey hair.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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