NCI Tackles Political Prisoners’ Issue


[07:37 pm] 06 March, 2007

Yerevan-Today the National Citizens’ Initiative (NCI), together
with the parliamentary group that is investigating the true motives
behind the recent arrests of Colonels Zhirair Sefilian and Vardan
Malkhasian, devoted volunteers of the national quest for liberty and
self-defense, convened a roundtable to examine the real reasons for
these arrests. The meeting brought together social and political
activists, human rights advocates, NGO officials, MPs, and media

NCI coordinator Hovsep Khurshudian welcomed the audience with
opening remarks. "The widespread corruption, permissiveness, and
arbitrariness-demonstrated by the very public seizure of Sefilian and
Malkhasian nearly three months ago-by the ruling clique are growing
worse. What is more, in the run-up to the parliamentary elections
they are becoming more apparent," he said.

In his intervention, Aram G. Sargsian, member of the investigative
group of parliament, briefly presented its preliminary findings. He
explained the formation of the parliamentary group by stating that the
arrests of these freedom fighters are more political than criminal in
context. He also added that such unlawful actions must be prevented
in concert with the body politic. "Instead of the real criminals,
they are apprehending national heroes," Sargsian maintained.

Defense attorney Vahe Grigorian pointed to the absence of any legal
justification for keeping Sefilian and Malkhasian in custody. "All
matters have been cleared up and therefore it is absurd that they are
still incarcerated," he asserted. In Grigorian’s words, his client
Zhirair Sefilian is refusing to provide testimony to the investigators
because he is convinced that they are mere lackeys and blindly carry
out the political instructions given from "above."

MP Hmayak Hovhannisian reflected on the Armenian version of Article
301, which clearly curtails the freedom of speech in the country. He
recommended that this provision be removed from the Criminal Code.

The next speaker, Armen Aghayan of the "Defense of Liberated
Territories" public initiative, spoke about the political motives
behind the criminal persecutions unleashed against Sefilian and
Malkhasian. Aghayan also presented a pamphlet containing Zhirair
Sefilian’s responses given to the questions posed to him by the
parliamentarians. In the pamphlet, Sefilian stipulates in particular
that if calling for a change in government is a crime then at least
half of Armenia’s population should be put on trial.

The remainder of the session was dedicated to exchanges of views
and recommendations among the public figures and policy specialists
in attendance.

Noteworthy were interventions by Armenia’s first Ombudswoman Larisa
Alaverdian; Academician Lenser Aghalovian; MPs Gagik Kostandian,
Albert Bazeyan, Stepan Zakarian, and Hrant Khachatrian; publicist
Hrair Ulubabian; Arsen Kharatian of the "Scientific Development" NGO;
former MP Khachik Stamboltsian; Sefilian’s long-time friend Garegin
Ghazarian; and several others.

In his closing remarks, Hovsep Khurshudian underlined that "not
only Sefilian and Malkhasian, but all of society is in need of
liberation. Sefilian is not giving testimony, but instead the public
resonance, one example of which is today’s roundtable, is speaking
in his favor."

The National Citizens’ Initiative is a public non-profit association
founded in December 2001 by Armenia’s first Minister of Foreign
Affairs Raffi K.

Hovannisian, his colleagues, and fellow citizens with the purpose of
realizing the rule of law and overall improvements in the state of
the state, society, and public institutions. The National Citizens’
Initiative is guided by a Coordinating Council, which includes
individual citizens and representatives of various public, scientific,
and educational establishments.

Five commissions on Law and State Administration, Socioeconomic
Issues, Foreign Policy, Spiritual and Cultural Challenges, and the
Youth constitute the vehicles for the Initiative’s work and outreach.