Turkey To Support Azerbaijani Position Relating To Armenia-Azerbaija


03.03.20 07

Turkey intends to support just position of Azerbaijan relating
to Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Ambassador of Turkey to Russia,
Tashkent Kurtulush, stated it for AzerTaj.

Particularly, Ambassador underlined, that Turkey as fraternal and
friendly state naturally supports position of Azerbaijan protecting its
interests at diplomatic level. "Armenia occupied 20% of Azerbaijani
territories. It is unjust as there is no occupation of territories
of one state by another in today’s world practice. Turkey advocates
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and return of occupied Garabagh
territories to jurisdiction of Azerbaijan. We believe in solving of
this conflict within the frames of territorial and political integrity
of Azerbaijan and on the basis of principles of international law.

We hope for peace regulation of this conflict in near future",
Turkish Ambassador said.

Answering question on Armenian genocide related claims to Turkey
Ambassador said that Armenia doesn’t want to improve relations and
cooperation with Turkey, and there is no decision in this respect.

On commenting the fact that recently Armenia curtseys before Turkey to
establish bilateral relations, Tashkent Kurtulush declared that there
is no ground for it. "For improvement of relations between Turkey
and Armenia first of all Armenia should fulfill some conditions and
refuse non-friendly policy", diplomat stressed.

Turkish Ambassador to Russia also said that Turkey grieves over
innocent victims of Khojali tragedy together with fraternal
Azerbaijan. Accordingly to him, commemoration events dedicated to
victims were held in his country like in Azerbaijan.
