[02:08 pm] 09 March, 2007
The U.S. food and medicine agency has disseminated information that
`Jermuk’ mineral water (imported from Armenia) contains arsenic which
is dangerous for health.
Edgar Ghazaryan, adviser to the president of `Jermuk’ Group, claims
they have been exporting mineral water to the U.S. market since 2000
and haven’t countered any problems so far. He says `Jermuk’ Group has
received no written notification by the U.S. officials.
According to the data of the agency, each liters of Jermuk contains
500-600- microgram arsenic. To remind, under the criteria of the
agency, the arsenic mustn’t surpass 10 micrograms in each liter.
«Arsenic exists in all mineral waters produced in Armenia and it
provides the curing quality of the water. We haven’t exceeded the
permissible bounds’ states Edgar Ghazaryan and adds that the
announcement hasn’t named any concrete Armenian company.