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It Is Planned To Create Mechanism Of Fighting Emergencies Within Fra


Noyan Tapan
Mar 15 2007

YEREVAN, MARCH 15, NOYAN TAPAN. On March 15, RA President Robert
Kocharian received Nikolay Bordyuzha, Secretary General of Collective
Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

According to the report submitted to Noyan Tapan from RA President’s
Press Office, the interlocutors discussed the main problems faced by
CST Organization, the ways of their solution, issues connected with
improval of organization’s activity and raising its efficiency.

The previous day, on March 14, N. Bordyuzha had a meeting with Director
of Armenian Rescue Service, Major-General Edik Barseghian.

N. Bordyuzha stated that it is planned to create a mechanism of
fighting emergencies within the framework of CIS, which should be put
into operation during natural calamities and manmade disasters for
the purpose of undertaking the respective actions, preventing dangers
and liquidating consequences. In this issue he attached importance
to high level of rescuers’ preparedness, presence of the necessary
equipment, exchange of information, as well as issues relating to
control system. He also said that they are already working in economic
and industrial spheres in the direction of making special rescuing
equipment more accessible.

In his turn, E. Barseghian presented the history of Armenian rescuing
service, the system of rescuing service, the reforms implemented
lately, the sphere of its activity, its powers, work of separate
subdivisions, systems of training and retraining of rescuers.

As Noyan Tapan was informed from the Rescue Service of RA Ministry of
Territorial Government, the Director of Armenian Rescue Service also
touched upon agreements and cooperation with CIS, mentioned problems of
the sphere, which hamper holding of rescuing activities at high level.

Nanijanian Alex:
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