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OPEN ROSTRUM: Where Is Our Acute Perception Of Situation?

Irina Sargsyan
mother of a soldier

21-03-2007 12:37:12

I am grateful to KarabakhOpen for providing Open Rostrum to discuss
the situation in Karabakh, because this is not just a situation but
our life, which seems to have stopped interesting us, for we believe
that quietness and peace will last forever. Meanwhile, we are highly
sensitive about a word said for one person, whereas we are absolutely
indifferent when the entire nation is insulted and fooled.

I will explain what I mean. We have become quite good at criticizing
the government, separate people who aspire to positions and titles,
but we would not admit our fault that Karabakh has become such due
to our indifference, fear to lose our job, high pay, respect of the
leadership, friends, neighbors.

We vote to the parliament, we elect a president, we flatter them, and
as soon as they do something, we start criticizing them. Meanwhile, we
cannot see that we are being humiliated. Recently the U.S. Department
of State has stated that Armenia continues to occupy Nagorno
Karabakh. Bernard Fassier announced that Karabakh was left out of
the talks due to the stance of the Armenian government who said to
represent Karabakh. Yuri Merzlyakov spoke about a provisional status
for Nagorno Karabakh… Meanwhile, we are silent, the nation is silent,
as if they are not talking about us but some other Karabakh. Where
is our parliament, the political parties, the youth organizations,
our intelligentsia? Why nobody protests against these statements,
which are groundless and dangerous for our country?

Or does our tolerance towards out fellows spread on others too? Maybe
we are reluctant to offend the U.S. State Department, the Minsk Group
co-chairs or the others. What do we expect, from whom do we expect
kindness and respect if we cannot respect ourselves?

Today only the reporters and representatives of NGOs raise the
problems Karabakh is facing. No parliamentary group, not even the
Azat Hayrenik Party we voted for with hope because we saw many
educated and intelligent people in this party, raises these issues
in parliament. Why? We elected a legislative body to represent the
interests of people.

While we are busy analyzing who said what about whom, others
will make decisions for us, and will not take into account our
opinion because we do not fancy to attend to it. Where is our acute
perception of the situation and word consciousness we used to have in
the beginning of the movement, when we would not have a single wrong
expression, when the people of Karabakh were a symbol of good sense and
determination? Why did we stop caring about the fate of our children
who are defending the border? Why are we unable to understand that
we will walk right into the abyss if we do not paraphrase the famous
saying? " You are my friend, neighbor, relative, but my child’s life
and future is more important to me."

Maghakian Mike:
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