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RA NA Adopts 17 Out Of Issues Discussed The Day Before


Noyan Tapan
Mar 20 2007

YEREVAN, MARCH 20, NOYAN TAPAN. At the March 20 morning sitting RA
NA adopted 17 out of 27 bills and legislative packages discussed the
day before.

Voting of four issues was postponed and adoption of another six issues
failed, as 66 MPs should have taken part in the voting.

The majority of bills and legislative packages adopted by the
parliament envisage amendments and additions to current laws.

By amendments and additions to two laws on service in National Security
bodies and Police adopted in the first reading dual citizens’ service
in National Security Service and Police highest posts is prohibited.

By amendment to the law "On National Security Bodies" the above
mentioned bodies having the right to carry out preliminary
investigation and investigation are permitted to have places for
keeping imprisoned people in consideration of the fact that the former
investigation isolation cell of National Security Service was given
to subordination of RA Ministry of Justice.

By the package of amendments and additions to laws "On Electronic
Communication" and "On State Duty" adopted in first reading, in
particular, the current rates of pay of state duty for exploitation
of public electronic communication networks are reduced in average
by 6-8 times, which, according to the government, will contribute
to spreading of Internet communication and full establishment of
electronic society in Armenia.

By one of bills not approved by the parliament the government proposed
making amendments to the law "On State Duty" by raising the amount
of state duty for receiving permission of foreign currency sale
and purchase from current 50 thousand drams to 600 thousand drams
(nearly 1.7 thousand USD).

Chaltikian Arsine:
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